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Healing Treatments

Requests For Prayers Are Always Welcome!

We give immediate loving attention to your requests.

Prayer requests are kept strictly confidential.

If you would like to receive our Healing Remote Treatments:

EMAIL us a picture for our prayer box as a point of contact so we can help you: shantivictor@gmail.com

Please do not call as we can help you better this way.

The Law of Healing states: unless vibrational asking and giving are congruent, any help given will not be successful so let each person ask for themselves!

These Energy Transmissions are given as a service to Humanity.

All personal information is kept strictly confidential.

Please email us again after 2 months and we will continue praying for you!

Healing energy is sent every day.

Please email us for a free Healing Prayer cloth, USA Only.

Protocol For Your Healing Treatment

Please email your Name, Comments and Picture to:


Hello Victor and all your fellow prayer sayers. Many and much thank you's for all your prayers. My back is almost 100% better. Much love and light to you and your prayer group. Always in Gratitude. Boni

To speed up your healing process.

Please dedicate as much time as you feel guided each day to send light, love and compassion to your fellow human beings.

Also, please study and use as much as you can:

Psalms-Angelic Renderings and Healing Mandalas and you will see good results.

Please light a white candle and pray:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of all people.
Let Light & Love descend on Earth.
Let the Divine Plan of Love be restored! Amen
From the Great Invocation

Give to each other real love in the times that lie ahead,
for it is the fusing and illuminating element in the life of the
disciple. Let not your love remain theoretical, but give that
true understanding which ignores mistakes, recognizes
no barriers, refuses all separating thoughts,
and surrounds each other with that protecting wall of love that
meets all need wherever possible, physical, emotional and mental.
Alice A. Bailey

Hello, Victor! I am also doing additional work myself and have asked also other friends for help, but I can already see slight improvements in place that needed healing! You have my greatest thanks for Your and Your order's work! May all the best come to You! Love, Oleg

Spiritual Awakening Network


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