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Temple Of Empowerment

Yungang Grottoes Levels 1-3

Created by Mariah Windsong

Yungang Grottoes level 1 brings you the presence of d eep meditation, peace and a centeredness that then coils up inside of you, ready and waiting to be sprung, to give you the energy you need for anything you need.

The function of Yungang Meditation, in level 2 is programable for the duration of time you wish to remain in a meditational state of mind. It causes an expansion and awareness of unity if you are sensitive to subtle energies. If you aren't it helps calm your mind so you can think more clearly and focus better. Yungang Holy Life Purpose function in level 3 causes you to notice and more fully live your life?s purpose. Yungang Holy Life Purpose helps you to stay on track for what is holy and purposefully yours to do in this life.

Tan Yao Empowerment is an empowerment to the man whose life work and the life work of his workers, is Yungang Grottoes.

Yungang Grottoes Levels 1-3- Master-$24.99

You will receive the correct Yungang Grottoes Levels 1-3 manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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