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Wound Healer

Wound Healer Levels 1-3

Created by Mariah Windsong

Level 1

Wound Healer is for those new to Reiki and those who are seasoned. Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds. It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers. Wound Healer Reiki’s unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being. Complete instructions for doing a session for other people in the same room. Wound Healer Reiki level 1 is also very effective for repairing holes and tears in your etheric bodies. This is a compassionate, intelligent energy. Wound Healer Reiki in this type of application is like putting your hand on the wind chime to stop the movement. The cells are not vibrating to the frequency of the injury anymore. Wound Healer Reiki is now able to start repairing the cells.

Reiki level 2 or Reiki Masters: Attunement to Wound Healer Reiki for emotional, etheric bodies, and physical wound healing for self, in-person or long distance sessions. Step by step instructions for conducting in-person sessions. Great for a refresher or to for your students eventually after all 3 levels of Wound Healer Reiki are received.

Level 2

Pre-requisite is Wound Healers Level 1

Wound Healer Reiki level 2 provides you with the ability to receive healing for wounds that occurred to any part of who you are in other times and places, including previous incarnations. You are taught how to conduct healing sessions for other people, when their wounds occurred in other times and places, including during their dream states. You also learn how to conduct Wound Healer Reiki sessions for people who are not in the same room with you.

Reiki level 2 or Reiki Masters: Attunement to the ‘through time and space’ quality of Wound Healer Reiki for self or to conduct sessions for other people. Your status as a Reiki level 2 or Reiki Master already gives you the ability to do long distance sessions for people who aren’t present in the same room with you. You can now conduct Wound Healer Reiki sessions for other people, whose wounds occurred in other times and places, including during their dream states. Step-by step instructions as a refresher or for you to use as a teaching tool for your students after all 3 levels of Wound Healer Reiki is received.

Wound Healer-Level 2-$21.99

Level 3

Pre-requiste: Wound Care Levels 1 & 2

Wound Healer Reiki 3 brings an upgrade of the energies, more strength anda broader band of healing. After you receive your Wound Healer Reiki 3 attunement, you will find it easy to send these energies long distance for locations on Earth, Trees, Rocks, Crystals and other Mineral Beings, Ocean Life, Wild Animals, Birds and others life here on this planet. Level 3 Wound Healer Reiki Master Symbol is revealed. Reiki level 2 or Reiki Masters: Attunement authorizes you to pass all levels of Wound Healer Reiki, with the Master Symbol and Level 3 upgrade of energies. Step by step instructions you can provide to your future students for attunement passing.

Wound Healer-Level 3-Master-$21.99

You will receive the Wound Healer manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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