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 Working With The New Jesus Prayer

"Reach The Heavenly Father"

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf

For thousands of years many Christians have received inspiration from God by reciting the Jesus Prayer!

It is an ancient prayer formulated in the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition in response to Paul's admonition to "pray without ceasing".

This is exactly what is needed to connect to the God-Head: Constant pray to counteract worldly thoughts and emotions!

In Working With The New Jesus Prayer you will be attuned to a powerful pray to rise above an undisciplined mind so God can be encountered in silence.

By combining this prayer's energies with a remarkable new Heart Attunement, you will engage your whole human person.

You will access the quiet inner places hidden deep inside your being.

Spiritually the heart is not just the center of your emotional life as it is the coordinating center that integrates your will, mind, body and emotions!

You will receive 2 Empowerments and 1 meditation the will spiritualize your entire existence!

We invite you to consider taking this course to discover a place deep within, where the human and divine meet!

Working With The New Jesus Prayer- Practitioner Level-$75.00

Thank you very much Sri Victor, Just wanted to let you know I did the New Jesus Prayer Meditation and it was fantastic and deep. What an amazing and powerful workshop! I am so appreciative and grateful to have received these great energies. Will see how things progress. Thank you again for everything! Regards and endless Blessings, Sal

You will receive the Working With The New Jesus Prayer practioneer manual via Email, All Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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