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Temple Of Empowerment

Walk In Transitional Alignment

Founded By Raine & Philip Hilton

The process and transition that occurs when a Walk -in experience appears within someone's life can be a huge trauma to the physical body as it accepts the process of dying soul separation and the integration of the new soul.

This transition can manifest itself in many ways including physical and mental imbalance such as severe allergic reactions to food, sensitivity to chemicals, asthma, anxiety attacks, depression etc.

These occur as the body tries to rejet the new soul much in the same way someone who has had a heart or liver transplant can experience tissue rejection.

The reintegration of a walk in soul takes time and it must be performed within every aspect of your being, physically, emotionally and mentally. Walk in Transitional Alignment helps to balance these blocks.

Walk In Transitional Alignment - Master-$15.00

You will receive the Walk In Transitional Alignment Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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