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Temple Of Empowerment

Vortex Light Shakti Booster 1-3

Created by Hari Andri Winarso

Vortex Light Shakti Booster Level 1 + Silver Shield

Prerequisite: Vortex Light Shakti 3

With Vortex Light Shakti Booster Level 1 you will double the energy.

In the first attunement, the energy of Vortex Light Shakti will be increased up to 100% from the Vortex Light Shakti 3.

And in the second attunement, you will receive the attunement of Silver Shield For Physical Protection.

Vortex Light Shakti Booster Level 1 + Silver Shield-$25.99

Vortex Light Shakti Booster 2 + Golden Shield for Mental Protection

Prerequisite: Vortex Light Shakti Booster 1 + Silver Shield For Physical Protection

As in the Vortex Light Shakti Booster 1 + Silver Shield For Physical Protection, with this Booster 2 you will find an increase in energy.

In the first attunement, the energy of Vortex Light Shakti will increased up to 300% from the Vortex Light Shakti 3.

And in this attunement, you will receive the attunement of Golden Shield For Mental Protection, at this attunement your shield will be strongest 108X more than the Silver Shield.

Vortex Light Shakti Booster 2 + Golden Shield for Mental Protection-$25.99

Vortex Light Shakti Booster 3 + Platinum Shield/ Spiritual Protection

Prerequisite: Vortex Light Shakti Booster 2 + Golden Shield For Mental Protection

As in the both booster levels before, you will find 2 times attunement. In the first attunement, the energy of Vortex Light Shakti will increased from the Vortex Light Shakti 3. And in this attunement, you will receive the attunement of Platinum Shield For Spiritual Protection, at this attunement your shield will be strongest 1000X more than the Silver Shield.

Vortex Light Shakti Booster 3 + Platinum Shield -$25.99

Vortex Light Shakti Booster All Levels-$65.00

Hi Victor- I could feel my heard pound as the energies came in. Then I found myself sitting in a field of golden light. The energies went deep and I was 'out of it' for a while. When I came out of it I remember somebody mentioning something about 'amino acids'. Then the energies went into my earth star chakra. They worked on my feet, ankle, and leg channels.
A lavender-purple-violet elixir flowed into my third eye. Then I saw the platinum shield -- it was a HUGE sphere with a feeling of unlimitedness about it. The energies traveled up the central channel until they were way over my head. When they returned down to my crown chakra, they brought with them a rainbow of energies which merged at my third eye. I was then taken into a deep meditation. Joe

You will receive the correct Vortex Light Shakti Booster manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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