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Temple Of Empowerment

Vital Life Energetic Nourishment

Created By: Hari Andri Winarso

- Helpful for workaholics, brings flow and rejuvenation, positive creativity/spirituality -

Once you receive your attunement you can pass on this energy to others and or teach this system of healing and or use for self healing.

Workaholics often neglect their emotional and physical needs, sacrificing rest, food, social contact in order that they may accomplish their goals, fulfill their dreams.

This can cripple the ability to experience life in a heart felt way, impoverishing the self and draining the physical body of vital energy needed.

This system brings life energy to assist the body and soul aspects to form greater harmony by nourishing with 'waters of life' energy.

This helps to bring flows of energy to you for rejuvenation.

Soon the soul will then learn to balance the fiery forces of the will with the foundation of feeling from the heart a tremendous outpouring of positive creativity and spirituality.

Vital Life Energetic Nourishment - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Vital Life Energetic Nourishment master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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