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Temple Of Empowerment

Virtual Massage

Created by Mariah Windsong

Virtual Massage energy system contains 3 levels and attunements. A person must already be attuned to the master level of Reiki or Seichim in order to qualify to receive any Virtual Massage attunements or levels.

Virtual Massage level 1 acquaints your body with the energy techniques that allow it to receive touch in a physically beneficial way from eternal beings and angels in the spiritual realms who are not in physical bodies. Virtual Massage can be received by any area of the body you direct with your mind.

Level 2 of Virtual Massage teach you how to facilitate long distance virtual massage for other people in real time.

Level 3 teaches you how to co-create virtual massage sessions for other people in a manner that makes it available for a person to call in at their convenience to receive a complete session.

Virtual Massage - Master-$39.00

You will receive the Virtual Massage manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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