Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
Violet Radiance Initiations Workshop is a wonderful way to raise your vibrations to divine frequencies with permanent benefits.
This system will transform & transmute all old belief systems and patterns.
Its goals are to empower you with many divine qualities, including: transfiguration and transformation, love, compassion and spiritual.
This Workshop will alter your vibrations by integrating the Violet Radiance into your chakras and circulate it into your aura and life.
Violet Radiance Initiations affirms the true experience of the power and intensity of the Violet vibrations.
This vibration is infinite, divine energy and will permeate all areas of your life in new and dynamic ways.
The energies in this course affirms the presence of a universally divine expressive form of spiritual energies for self transformation!
This Workshop is a unique spiritual link to energies that can help you in all areas of your life.
It will heal your mental, emotional and physical problems and you will grow spiritually.
The Violet Radiance is the full power of the Violet vibration and is the essence of violet light.
The Violet Radiance is the key to emanate the inner divine light.
This Violet Radiance activates a very wide field of violet energy that permeates every area of your life as it is the true expanse band-width violet ray/flame.
Violet Radiance energies have the highest frequency of spiritual violet carrying a broad band to accelerate the transmutation of any discordant patterns of
thought so that they can be dislodged and purified.
Violet Radiance Initiations - Practitioner-$155.00