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Temple Of Empowerment

Triple Warmer Meridian Care

Created by Mariah Windsong

Triple Warmer Meridian Care level 1 cares for the meridian that starts at the tips of the ring fingers, runs up your arms, over the shoulders toward your upper torso.

Then one part of the triple warmer meridian traverses down to the middle and lower sections of the body. The other part goes to the ear and then circles the face, where it transitions into another meridian.

The Triple Warmer is also called the San Jiao yang fire meridian. It carries protective and nutritive energies to many organs. It affects the health of your hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenals.

It plays a role in food metabolism as well as water regulation throughout your body.

Triple Warmer Meridian Activatation and Triple Warmer Meridian Flush to assist this meridian. Triple Warmer Meridian Care level 2 teaches you how to increase and channel its excess energy for manifesting!

Triple Warmer Meridian Care - Master-$24.99

You will receive the Triple Warmer Meridian Care manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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