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Temple Of Empowerment

Trauma Healing Energy Attunement

Created by Manuela Marx

Quotes From Manuela Marx

This Energy:

1. Clears the overabundance of immobilizing or detrimental energy which was caused to stay within our energy system through experiencing a traumatic event. The longer you work with this energy, the more immobilizing energy you will transform. This will slowly and safely remove the prevalent feeling of paralyzation towards the traumatic events. There is a possibility of re-experiencing some traumatic events, but you will look at them from a new perspective and you will be able to relive them in a safe way, feeling more empowered as you move through everything.

2. Replaces the cleared energy with a specific healing frequency suiting your specific trauma. This is why this energy may feel completely different depending on the person and on the specific traumas being worked on.

3. Connects with resources from the treasure chest of your soul, your own experiences in order to give you a feeling of having power over what has happened and is happening, it helps you deal with the trauma. Example: When confronted with a trauma-trigger, you could remember a specific healing chant that has always made you feel good and empowered. This healing chant could provide you with the necessary power to overcome the fear related to your trauma.

Types of Trauma symptoms this energy helps with:

Fetal trauma
Birth trauma
Losing a parent or close relative
Illness, high fever, accidental intoxication
Physical injury, including falling and accidents
Sexual, emotional or physical abuse including experiencing serious abandonment
Witnessing violence
Natural events like earthquake, fire or flooding
Medical procedures and examinations
Prolonged forced resting position (deformation and splinting legs or parts of the torso
You will receive the attunement by chi ball call in method and the manual. Certificate and lineage avail upon request.

Trauma Healing Energy Attunement- Master-$43.00

You will receive Trauma Healing Energy Attunement manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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