Founder: Tracey Loper
The Star symbolizes divine knowledge of internal goodness and truth. Through this empowerment, you will gain spiritual insight and knowledge.
The energy of this spiritual star provides guidance
and restores a sense of direction and purpose in your life.
It is especially beneficial when life feels confusing, like being in a dark forest, and you need light to illuminate what is uncertain so
you can find truth, clarity, and purpose.
The Light of the Star will dispel the darkness and confusion created by self-doubt and ego.
Negative thoughts, false beliefs, and illusions will be released,
no longer suppressing your path to enlightenment.
As a result, you will experience clarity of thought and connect to solutions and answers that may have previously been hidden or difficult to see.
Price is fixed by the founder
Year: 2012-No prerequisites
Once you're attuned, you can share it with others and certify them as well.
The Star of Bethlehem Empowerment- Master-$20.00
You will receive the The Star of Bethlehem Empowerment master
manual via
Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.
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