Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Taoist Alchemy's goal is to use the alchemy of energetic Initiation to transform and regenerate your consciousness so it can awake to the realization that you are divine and pure.
This Workshop is comprised of awesome techniques and 5 remarkable Empowerments including:
Ren Chai Zhu Fu Initiation
Ren Chai Zhu Fu (Blessing) Initiation
Taoist Alchemy (pronounced Daoist Alchemy) incorporates the profundity of Taoist wisdom and gnosis through
energetic Initiations and meditation techniques!
The ancient Taoist believed the Tao was the ultimate reality.
They opined the ultimate truths could not be perceived or even clearly understood by the mind.
They knew that, spiritual secrets could only be be known in meditation, nature or through Initiations.
"The Tao that can be Spoken is not the True Tao."
Their goal was refining and raising their energies to the highest levels of development.
Reaching the light or Immortality was a state that could be acquired here and now.
The realization of one's unity with God was the confirmation of one's perpetual existence.
You will also receive a special "Taoist Five Element Initiation" plus the auspicious "Three Treasures Initiation" plus other Empowerments!
Taoist Alchemy's Initiations helps you to restore your divine self and return to the Kingdom of Tao for eternal peace.