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Temple Of Empowerment

Tachyon Course

In this course you will learn how to create different kinds of Tachyon antennas. A Tachyon antenna is an item that has been permanently altered on a sub-molecular level, so that it acts as a receiver and transmitter of Tachyon, which then will convert itself into life force (also called prana, love of God, Tachyon, chi etc.). Life force is the foundation for everything. It's highly intelligent and will automatically convert to the specific energy needed in the body.

You will learn to create:

The Life Nugget
Tachyon water
EMF Phone Filters
Tachyon "Attunement oil"
Tachyon Discs
Tachyon Chakra Stones (For cleansing and charging chakras)
plus more.

Tachyon is highly recommended as a companion for Kundalini Reiki (and other attunement systems), as the Tachyon will significantly enhance and boost not only healing sessions, but also the attunement procedure itself!

Tachyon Level 1 contains -Levels 1-3 in one Attunement
Tachyon Level 2 contains -Levels 4-6 in one Attunement
Tachyon Level 3 contains -Levels 7-9 in one Attunement

Tachyon-Master Level-$25.00

Dear Victor, All the attunements were really powerful. I felt I was being pushed around by the energy, the only way I can describe it is as if it is of a high voltage frequency. I am amazed of the feeling of it once I am attuning objects. In fact, I still get a mild headache when I am performing the attuning of an object. On an insightful level, my heart feels blessed by the opportunity of turning objects into antennas. As if I were trusted the gift of giving life, so I feel a strong sense of responsibility towards using it. I am really humbled by this opportunity. Thank you so much. Blessings, Diego

Hi Victor, That was another lovely attunement. When I received it, it came on in a subtle way, almost as if originating from inside of my being. It lasted much longer than I expected. There were gentle waves of pulsating energy through my central channel. Thank you! Peace to you and all, Nik

You will receive the Tachyon master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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