Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking Forever Reiki Empowerment

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Do you really want to quit smoking?

Do you really want to quit once and for all???

This is system will work for you if you have made the decision to stop smoking.

It is only when you make that decision that anything will work for you.

Stop Smoking Forever will work if you work it. It will take up to 30 days and will bring a calmness and sense of empowerment to you once the decision is made and you begin to work with its energies.

Prerequisite Reiki Level Two. Stop Smoking Forever is designed to assist with the withdrawal symptoms once you have stopped your smoking habit.

There is one symbol for this system.

It is my desire that you become smoke free in 30 days or less? you deserve it.

This is not guaranteed but a nice Attunement.

Stop Smoking Forever Reiki Empowerment Master -$15.00
FREE with any Workshop you take


You will receive the correct Stop Smoking Forever Reiki Empowerment Master manual and PDF manual via Email, and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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