Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
As you activate the 12 Attunements in this Workshop you will become a Spirit Warrior!
As a Spirit Warrior you will learn to lose your self defeating patterns.
As a Spirit Warrior your life will be filled with strength and happiness
so you easily accomplish your life dreams.
As a Spirit Warrior you will lose your feelings of unworthinesss
and feelings of inferiority.
A Spirit Warrior is Clairvoyant.
A Spirit Warrior strives for harmony with family and friends.
A Spirit Warrior uses the Kundalini force.
A Spirit Warrior has acceptance of death.
Partial Attunement List in Two Levels:
Planetary Pyramid Purification Technique & Attunement
Warrior Shakti
Auric Shakti
Alinement Shakti & Technique
Manifesting your ideals with Spirit Warrior Shakti
Spirit Warrior Lineage Mantra
Rainbow Bridge for Clairvoyance
Eainbow Shakti for Kundalini
Thunderbird Tear Attunement
Thunderbird meridain attunement
Spirit Warrior Aankh Laa Attunement
Spirit Warrior healing
Spirit Warrior Alinement Mantra
Spirit Warrior Solar Technique
Spirit Warrior Symbol of Power
12 Empowerments in Level 1
ALL levels are complete within themselves and no one need take another level!