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Temple Of Empowerment

The Spirit Release Healing Method 1-3 Package

Spiritual Protection & Exorcism

Founded By Jay

The The Spirit Release Healing Method 1-3 will teach you about the following and much more:

The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 1

* Psychic Attack & Spiritual Attachment.
* Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts & Lost Souls.
* Thought Forms.
* Negative Energy.
* Psychic Attack.
* Curses, Cords, Vows and Spiritual Contracts.
* Past Life Attachments & Ancestral Patterns.
* Satanic Influence, Black Magic & Demonic Forces.
* Programs, Mind Control & Spiritual Implants.
* Spiritual Grounding.
* Spiritual Protection.
* Spirit Release/Protection Prayers (Lords Prayer & Hail Mary).
* How to work with the Spirit Release Healing Method.

Spirit Release Healing Method 1- Master-$65.00

The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 2 (40 Page Manual)

This new channeled Distant Attunement has been developed over many years of Practical and Theoretical work This Attunement and Teaching Course is not designed to instantly make you a Spirit Release Healer/Deliverance Minister as this takes many years of work and further studies but it has been designed to give you the Knowledge and Spiritual Tools in order for you to begin your path as a Spirit Release Healer while expanding your awareness into this area of Spiritual Healing which it needed now more than ever before.

You Will Learn: * The Presence.
* The Breaking Point. * The Voice.
* The Clash. * The Expulsion.
* Stories of Possession.
* What is Spirit Release Therapy.
* Signs of Possession and Entity Attachment.
* Making Holy Water.
* How to Exorcise Water.
* The Rite of Releasement and Exorcism.

Spirit Release Healing Method 2- Master-$65.00

* The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 3 (73 Pages)

You will learn about the following and much more:

* History / Modern / Secular & Religious.
* Science / Metaphisics / Spirits.
* Types of Spirits.
* Spirits Not Requiring Releasement.
* Spirits Requiring Releasement.
* The Car Metaphor.
* Spirit Communication.
* Session Preparation & The Types of SRT Sessions.
* Why offer SRT (Spirit Release Therapy).
* Indications and Issues for a SRT Session.
* The Client Interview/Consultation.
* Contra-indications For SRT Sessions.
* Progressive Relaxation Induction. * SRT Re-Entry.
* Discover Attached Spirits.
* Protection.
* Protection Tools.
* Extraterrestrials (ETs).
* Release ETs: Simple.
* Compassion, Karma.

Spirit Release Healing Method 3- Master-$65.00

All 3 Spirit Release Levels At One Time-$195.00

Every student who takes this Attunement will be listed on an authorized Registration page via the Academy website.

The Spirit Release Healing Method Levels 1 & 2 have been structured with a strong Christian background in the message it gives and the protocol to perform a Spirit Release Healing.

Only registered teachers are able to teach the Spirit Release Healing Method to others.

With your purchase you will receive emailed Manuals and remote chi ball Attunements.

There is a week wait in between Attunements.

* Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training.

You will receive the correct The Spirit Release Healing Method 1-3 Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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