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Temple Of Empowerment

Soul Part Detachment

Created by Mariah Windsong

Sometimes there are parts of a persons soul which refuse to accept the energy that made it and will not align with Eternal Sacred Source.

Please be assured that your salvation, you eternal life is not at stake here. What is being disrupted is your peace and progression of enlightenment as well as your ability to manifest Heaven on Earth for you.

Eternal Sacred Source is the authority which determines whether there are any parts of your soul which are likely to continue to refuse unity with you.If Divine Wisdom determines that you are being tortured by these parts and that it is not necessary to your souls growth for you to endure this anymore, you will be mercifully freed from them and their adverse influence. Soul Part Detachment also means that if there were parts of you that were stuck together in ways that is uncomfortable, or causing inner conflict, those parts will detach from one another and be reorganized in a better way. With Soul Elixir and Earth Axiotonal Alignment and Galaxiatonal Alignment energy functions.

Soul Part Detachment with Glorious Reorganization detaches and re-arranges parts and pieces of you (and your soul) into a new configuration. Soul Part Detachment is useful when there are parts of yourself that you have tried to work with for a very long time. When there are parts of yourself that are more than obstinate, ones that are truly disruptive every time you step forward to do that which is healthy and right and positive for yourself.

Everyone has parts of themselves that they do not like. I am not speaking about shadow self that can teach us and deserves understanding and integration into the whole. I am speaking of parts of yourself that feel like they are stuck with someone they do not want to be stuck with because you always drive this life into health and enlightenment and that is not what those parts want. This is a serious topic. The good news is that you will not be responsible for making the decision in regards to what pieces of you stay and which ones are freed up to go away. Sometimes there is no part that goes away, and you can have the missing places inside you filled in with your Soul Elixir energy.

Some of the indications that this Soul Part Detachment with Glorious Reorganization energy system would be beneficial for you are:

Feeling that you have parts of you that resist the good you try to accomplish.

Feelings of an undercurrent that pulls you down when you take a step forward.

Difficulty maintaining inner peace.

Feeling like parts of you just do not belong, they do not fit with the rest of you.

Soul Part Detachment- Master-$50.00

You will receive the Eternally Soul Part Detachment master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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