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Temple Of Empowerment

Silicate Crystal Care

Created by Mariah Windsong

Silicate Crystal Care is care for your crystals, your mineral being friends who you have in your home and expect to do so much for you each day. Most crystals begin their lives as part of a bigger cluster or at least a stone that is larger than the piece you see right now. This means that in their life, they have been separated from the larger silicate crystals they grew with.Silicate Crystals and mineral beings have sustained trauma by being cut away from the lattice they grew upon. In some cases they barely remember who they are. So when we want them to help us heal, it is wise to heal them first. Once they have been reconnected with their soul group they are whole.

After you've assisted your rocks and crystals to connect spiritually with their soul group, they have a new quality of energy that is incredible to work with. Even if you are not sensitive to subtle energies, your crystal grids and lay outs will be much stronger. All of the usually healing work you would do with crystals and stones are mightily enhanced after they've fully reconnected with their soul groups!

This amazing energy system gives you the ability to bring a new level of accuracy and effectiveness to your personal or professional healing practice!

Silicate Crystal Care - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Silicate Crystal Care manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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