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Temple Of Empowerment

Shining Soul Reiki 1-3

Created by From Hari Winarso

Shining Soul Reiki is a unique Reiki system that works for karmic healing, karmic clearing, or karmic removal. Shining Soul Reiki is the re-patterning of old/negative beliefs and programs learned during childhood and passed on from generation to generation that keep us from achieving what we want in life.

We are unaware of many of these beliefs and programs. Through the Shining Soul Reiki we can conquer physical illnesses, lift depression and anger, clear abundance issues and open the door to more love in our lives.

The Shining Soul Reiki transmutes your highest priority polarized karmic contracts which are; decisions, truths, concepts, alignments, oaths, vows, unresolved emotions and attitudes held consciously and unconsciously that hinder your life.

The Shining Soul Reiki is a deceptively simple, highly effective technique for the release of third and fourth dimensional dysfunctional patterns and the infusion of Divine identity, context, reality measurement, pictures of reality, skills, abilities and perceptions.

It removes the patterns holographically from the entire incarnational grid at once and brings all of the incarnate facets of the Oversoul up to the same speed so that there is no 'drag weight' any longer. It affects every person that you have ever had contact with and makes the karmic patterns less available to the hologram as a whole.

The Shining Soul Reiki has 3 levels

Shining Soul Reiki Level 1

At this level, you will work with Emotional Trauma Karma Removal and Victimization Karma Removal and use the symbols for that.

Shining Soul Reiki Level 1 - $25.99

Shining Soul Reiki Level 2

At this second level, you will works with Codependency Karma Removal and Ancentral Karma Removal, and use the symbols of that.

Shining Soul Reiki Level 2-$25.99

Shining Soul Reiki Level 3

Shining Soul Reiki 3 is the Master Level.

On this level you will use the Master symbol to pass the attunements to others.

Shining Soul Reiki 3- Master-$25.99

You will receive the correct Shining Soul Reiki 1-3 manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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