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Temple Of Empowerment

Shield of Archangel Michael

Founder: Linda Colibert

The Shield of Archangel Michael connects you to the power and energies of Archangel Michael and surrounds you with Archangel Michael is love and protection. While you do not need an attunement to call on Archangel Michael for any reason, this attunement will connect you to him in a powerful way and strengthen any connections to Archangel Michael that you may already have.

You will learn how to use the symbol to invoke Archangel Michael protection quickly and powerfully for yourself, others, animals, plants, your home, your finances, and anything else you may want to protect.

You will also understand how to shield yourself and others against any form of negative energies, people, and etc.

You will be guided as to how to release your fears and embrace the future with confidence. You do not need to be a Reiki Master to be attuned to the Shield of Archangel Michael..

Shield of Archangel Michael - Master-$19.00

You will receive the Shield of Archangel Michael manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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