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Temple Of Empowerment

Self-Love Empowerment With Quan Yin

Created by Amanda Hadle

Quan Yin lends her gentle love and kindness, her compassion and mercy to engulf us in unconditional love and support.

The energies encourage us to be gentle with ourselves, to feel worthy of self-love and self-compassion, to remember our own divinity and to shine our own light. Quan Yins energies are very versatile and pure, the energies of this empowerment can help if you are feeling low on self-love and they can also help booster up existing feelings of self-love and amplify them.

She will always respond to your call. Her nurturing, soothing energy is available to all.

Quan Yi’s gentle energies assist us in our emotional and spiritual development, she will help us understand the need for self-love and self acceptance, two powerful emotions that must come from within ourselves first before we can demonstrate them to others. She can also help us learn to forgive ourselves and others, helping us to release feelings such as resentment, hurt and reproach.

To allow us to release the past and all that has happened and move forward in complete love and acceptance. You will receive:

1 Distant Chi Ball Attunement that you can receive at your convenience.

The original manual in PDF format.

Plus a emailed certificate if requested.

Self-Love Empowerment With Quan Yin - Master-$30.00

You will receive the Self-Love Empowerment With Quan Yin manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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