
Seichim (pronounced say-keem) / Sekhem (se-kem) is a channeled energy. It is not an individual's own energy; rather, it is drawn from the Infinite Ocean of Love and Mercy.

Seichim is the energetic healing system-much like Reiki-that was used in ancient Egypt.

This manual contains all the Seichim/Sekhem symbols and adds some new discoveries and powerful ancient Attunements. See outline below.

Seichim/Sekhem is essentially a mysterious energy that utilizes sacred symbology to release deeply held thought patterns in the physical, emotional(astral), causal, mental, and etheric bodies.

Seichim/Sekhem is a complete healing system of wisdom balancing both the masculine and feminine energies of power and change.

Seichim/Sekhem is a tool for transformation.

Seichim accelerates both our personal development and skill at energy healing.

Seichim/Sekhem assists us in achieving our full potential.

Seichim/Sekhem works in partnership with our conscious intent, Higher Self, and inner guides.

Seichim/Sekhem opens the heart to create multi-dimensional bridges of "at-one- ment" with the Source, giving us pure loving light and a sacred vibrational healing.

Many students feel Seichim more like a feminine, yin energy, and Sekhem, more like a masculine, yang energy. Many add that Seichim/Sekhem feels softer; but stronger; smoother, but more concentrated.

Healing with Seichem/Sekhem attempts to teach and Attune the best elements of all the systems of this type.

Seichim/Sekhem adds many techniques from other systems that are hard to find.

All Students of energy work will appreciate this system as a very valuable addition to their healing work.

Seichim/Sekhem: Living Light Energy

  1. Working with Seichim/Sekhem

  2. The Diversity of Seichim Systems

  3. A Note on the Pronunciation of Seichim

  4. Schools of Seichim

  5. A Brief History of Seichim/SKHM"

  6. The Levels of Seichim

  7. The Color/Source of the Energy

  8. Seichim/Sekhem Certified Lineage

  9. Using Seichim/Sekhem Energy

  10. The Symbols of Seichim

  11. Mai-Yur-Ma

  12. Lightning Bolt

  13. Seichim Cho-Ku-Rei

  14. Additional Seichim Symbols

  15. Align with God

  16. Cho-Ku-Ret

  17. Angel Wings

  18. Everlasting Flower Symbol

  19. Ift-Chei

  20. Some Sekhem Symbols

  21. Reverse-Stem Cho Ku Rei

  22. Magnifying Symbol

  23. Dispersing symbol

  24. Sekhem Sceptre Symbol

  25. Tan Ku Rei

  26. Eternal Pearl of Wisdom & Love Symbol

  27. The Shining Everlasting Waters of Ra

  28. Taoist Combination of Fire & Water

  29. Symbol of Divinity Symbol

  30. Release for Mental, Emotional & Physical Blocks

  31. Symbol Stacks

Seichim/Sekhem-Master Level-$95.00

Hi Victor, Thank you so much for last night! You were very informative... My hands are feeling really hot! Not in a bad way! I could really see and feel the symbols especially on my forehead, heart and back! I feel like Sekhmet is around too! -Peace & Light, J

Hi!- You know... I don't think it is my imagination as other have remarked to me before I noticed myself... but, I seem to look younger the past two days! I have not changed anything at all yet... Not food, cosmetics anything... Hmmmm! Just look a lot better and lighter! Have you heard of anything like that happening before? Peace & Light, RC

Hi Victor, Thank you so much for the Seichim/Sekhem attunement. I had so much energy pulsing around in my head that it felt at one point that the back of my skull was ready to burst open! My hands were burning and tingling away too. Very enjoyable and relaxing! Paula


Dear Victor, Thank you for my attunement. It was very strong and nice. My head spun a little. I have seen a huge lion coming towards me and then jumping through me... I felt a huge heat and fire while she sped through my chest and whole body. I felt very strange and I was very happy to go to bed afterwards and having a good sleep. Well... I have been mentally awake all night but felt a lot of energy on Sunday. It was great and I managed to do awful lot of work... The energy is great. Thank you. Huge loads of energy are coming now as I write about it... J Getting really hot now. Blessings, Iveta

Hello, I could feel the energy! Thanks sooo much for your help, I saged myself and my alter before and did a short meditation so I think I was better prepared to receive. On the master attunement I was there for like 25 minutes kinda rocking, strong earth energy and creator energy, I felt kinda like a wire popped tight! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Thanks again!! Love & Blessings, Heidi

You will receive the Seichim/Sekhem Master Level Manual (60 pages) via snail mail, All Empowerments and emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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