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Temple Of Empowerment

Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment

Created by Tracey Loper

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus to direct us to His loving heart so that we become familiar with the inner life of the Master and embody His virtues and sentiments. It will assist us in identifying with His Masters heart, the seat of love which love All without condition or reservation. During the empowerment we will feel Ascended Master Jesus presence ever so sweetly as He imprints His Love on our Hearts bringing us peace, unity, oneness, refuge, comfort,calmness,blessings, abundance, and mercy.

Ascended Master Jesus, Beloved friends, Please feel my presence, my very essence. Know that I love you unconditionally and my love is freely given unto you. We are all One. We are all connected. As you seek me know that I will come unto you!

The empowerment energy will enter into our heart and open, cleanse, and heal any wounded aspect of our hearts so that we are open to the energy of giving and receiving love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment connects us with the loving Heart of Jesus so that his love shines forth and reflects in our inner and outer life, so that our words and actions reflect His love and manifest in us and in our life. We will have a new heart, faithful to unconditional love, as the Heart of Ascended Master Jesus will activate within.

As a result we become infinitely loving and lovable. It is from the source of His energy, love and heart that we will attain great reserves of meekness and forgiveness necessary to heal the bitter conflicts that have bloodied our hearts. We are able to embody the merciful heart of Ascended Master Jesus. Having a new and merciful heart, a heart like the Masters heart, we will implore for mercy and peace with All the whole world.

Ascended Master Jesus, Dearest Ones , Develop a true passion for the welfare of your fellows all over the world remembering that Universal love is your earthly work.

Our love for All, including our fellows, the Divine, Ascended Master Jesus, All living things, will be magnified greatly. With the most powerful strength of the Sacred Heart of Jesus we will feel the presence of Ascended Master Jesus rescuing us from wounds deeply imbedded within our hearts. Any sorrows held within our heart will be lifted from us so that we no longer suffer.

The loving kindness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerments energy will cleanse our sorrows and sufferings so that we are stronger, wiser and living in the peace, love and happiness that is ours by Divine right. Our hearts will be aflame with Divine Love in such a way that no circumstance could extinguish this Light within our hearts. The Divine love will continue to burn no matter what we experience. The Empowerment carries a potent energy, the omni potent power of Divine Love. Any thorns that have been embedded within causing wounding from the past in this lifetime and others will be healed.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment - Master-$29.99

You will receive the Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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