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Temple Of Empowerment

Scarcity Mentality Flush

Created by Tracey Loper

The Scarcity Mentality Flush empowerment has been given to us from Spirit so that lack of thinking does not hinder our chances of achieving abundance and anything else we desire in our lives.

It will remove blocks of limiting, false and negative beliefs that have held us back so that we can reconnect to truth.

The flush will heal us of the mentality of scarcity and raise our consciousness to abundance thinking.

Rather than being victims of whatever circumstance we find ourselves in we will connect to Higher thinking and acting that leads to fulfillment of our greatest desires. This powerful energy will assist us in adopting abundance thinking habits so that we do not give in to scarcity thinking.

Sscarcity thinking is normal but not enhance our life so it keeps us stuck.

The flush will clear the negative thoughts and programming as well as the negative energy attached to them.

Scarcity Mentality Flush - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Scarcity Mentality Flush master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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