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Temple Of Empowerment

Sathya Tummo Levels 1-5

Founder: Dharmasatya Sarvayudhavisadara

Prerequiste Usui Reiki Mastership

This systemj uses Mystic and Esoteric energies so it uses energy patterns, mantra, mudra and creative visualizing approaches so there are no symbols to memorize.

Level One:

Sacred Fire Candali (tummo) activates the fire element in the body from the lower tantien. Energy paths, especially Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala will be opened so that sathya tummo energy will flow through all major energy paths nine total.

Level 2:

Candali sacred fire will be activated from middle tandien so it will be 108 times stronger. The water element will also be activated. This level consists of 5 standard energy patterns, 2 additional energy patterns to strengthen intuition and to form protection shield, and mantras.

Level 3 Master Level:

The sacred fire will be activated from upper tandien so that it will be 1000 times stronger. Wind element will also be activated. This level consists of 3 additional energy patterns to cleanse negative energy patterns in the body layers,. Works on diseases because of karma, trauma, etc., to solve problems and etheric weapons to destroy negative energy, disease and negative entities.

Level Vajra Master:

In this level the sacred fire will be activated from lower, middle, and upper tandien concurrently so it will be 10000 times stronger. Ether element is added. This level consists of 6 negativity energy patterns and 2 energy patterns to overcome neg. energy patterns and to protect. In this level you have the authority to give angkur (attunement) to others.

You will receive 4 manuals, 4 attunements, and certificate upon request.

To pass attunements to others you much have a Sathya Tumo Master Name given by Founder. The cost of this is USD 35 paid to Hari.

Sathya Tummo-Levels 1-4-$100.00

You will receive 4 manuals, 4 attunements, lineage and certificate upon request.

To pass attunements to others you much have a Sathya Tumo Master Name given by Founder. The cost of this is USD 35 paid to Hari.

Sathya Tummo Angkur (Level) 5

Sathya Tummo Angkur (Level) 5 is the final and most secret level of this course. You must have received all levels of Sathya Tummo, because it is necessary that you have developed the Vajra master strength to be able to anchor the energy of this level.

At level 5, this angkur is the level of White Mahakala created to build and protect your well-being and White Mahakala's sole purpose is to make sure that all your material needs are easily constructed and accessible, so there will be no worries to distract you. him from his spiritual path.

This is a great power that makes it easy to manifest abundance and prosperity.

In the course you will receive attunement to the White Mahakala energy level 5 of Sathya Tummo Candali and you will also receive attunement in mantras, you will learn to do the Mahakala rite to manifest abundance in your life.

Sathya Tummo Level 5-$160.00

★ To teach this system you will need a Sathya Tummo Master Name which is given by founder after Level 4 is completed. The cost of this is $25. You will contact founder for this if you want to teach it. If you do not want to teach, you are good to go with your Attunements to Levels 1-4

Hi, Thank you. I felt very strongly this attunement. I've noticed a lot of heat throughout the body. Ruben

You will receive the Sathya Tummo manuals via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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