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Temple Of Empowerment

Sakkara Fire Reiki

Created by Eileen Brooks & Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder

Sakkara is in harmony with the Music of the Spheres. It has been in waiting, ever patient for the Kronos (Divine Time) to come.

This time is the Here and Now, Sakkara beckons energetically to us.

She speaks in a Cosmic Language.

Ancient and knowing, her qualities in the vibrations of the letters of her name.S=A=KK=A=R=A.

S***(Akasha) In this principle the * S* vibration represents the all-permeating power and all encompassing power.

A***(Akasha) in this principle the A symbolises the highest wisdom and illumination that can ever be bestowed upon a human being….At the same time it represents the purity of all ideas in all forms of existence.

K***(Akasha, in this principle, the vibration of the letter K is the vibration of omnipotence, which is also one of the Divine Virtues.

This system maintains and sustains Spiritual Consciousness and the Lightbody System.

It sustains the electromagnetic fields within the etheric/physical body and monitors the integration process of the Lower self (lower chakrasystem) so the Higher self and Light Body system can weave through into manifestation.

Because of the purity of Sakkaras transformational fires, we are able to enjoy a union of the micr and the macro, the smaller self…with the Greater Self.

SAKKARA is here and now assisting us to make the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual advances that we need to maintain the equilibrium and balance needed to sustain higher frequencies within us, until they become integrated and absorbed at all levels of being, to become One with All.

You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual.

Sakkara Fire Reiki- Master-$15.00

You will receive the Sakkara Fire Reiki manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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