Temple Of Empowerment

Sacred Flames Reiki ®

Sacred Flames Reiki (SFR) is a powerful system that was compiled by Alli Dahlhaus. She received this system from different resources (in the physical and spiritual realms) to share with all those drawn to it. SFR is a set of guided visualization and meditations designed to help the body, mind, and spirit, heal themselves and/or to maintain good balance within the systems of the body, both physically and energetically. There are no symbols or complicated techniques to learn. The methods used in SFR are very simple, yet extremely effective. You will need to have a basic knowledge of the Chakras and of energy healing in general. It is suggested that you be trained and attuned to the Usui Reiki Master Level before learning Sacred Flames Reiki.

Alli makes no claim that the Sacred Flames Reiki energy is more powerful or of a higher frequency than any other. This is an individual perception and is left up to you to decide. All Reiki energies come from the same Source, it is how we connect to the energy that makes it unique. If you feel drawn to this method, it is most likely because it resonates well with your Spirit. This is reason enough to learn these techniques, which are brought to us from the Highest Source. In SFR, you will find references to connecting with specific Ascended Masters, as well as Archangels and other "spirit guides". There is no requirement or suggestion to change any of your current beliefs. These specific aspects of God/Goddess are here to help humans of all religious backgrounds and spiritual beliefs. We are all individuals and unique and therefore, I believe our spiritual natures should also be unique. You are encouraged to honor the Divine Source that you are familiar with and again, in no way change your belief system. We give credit to these aspects of the Divine for their guidance and support of Sacred Flames Reiki, for without them, this system would not exist.

Metaphysically speaking, the element of fire is used for protection from negative energy. Fire is the element of the South in shamanism and its attributes are strength, protection, purification, and faith. Fire nourishes our spiritual hunger - the desire to grow and heighten our awareness. This fire burns inside us all. Just as it is necessary to exercise the body to keep it functioning, it is also necessary to exercise the mind and spirit to maintain proper health. Fire is a gift from above and below - it is fueled by the resources of Mother Nature and the air from above and around us. The element of fire provides us with spiritual light, making our soul's path visible to us.

$50.00-One Level Mastership

You will receive the correct Sacred Flames Reiki master manual via Email, All Attunement and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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