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Temple Of Empowerment

Root Chakra Re-Alignment

Created by Mariah Windsong

Unlock your root chakra from unhealthy positionings with people.

You've decided to move on, yet still long for or 'feel' him/her You've asked the universe why, if he's/she's not for you, are you still thinking about and longing for him/her, even after declaring that this is "SO, OVER!"

When we've felt desire and grown love for a person, especially if there has ever been a positive response from him/her, and even more so if we've been sexually active, we lock into position with that person energetically.

If you could see what some of us see when we look at you, the cords that have connected two people, even when one has more interest than the other, it would be so obvious that when someone says they feel like they can't move on, why that is truth.

This is truth, whether you are actively still feeling love for the person, or whether you are done with him/her that you don't EVER want to see or hear from them again.

Root Chakra Re-Alignment - Master-$21.99

You will receive the Root Chakra Re-Alignment manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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