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Temple Of Empowerment

Risen Empowerment

Created by Tracey Loper

The Risen Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus.

Within the energies of this system Jesus and the Divine lend us something incredible, the amazing power of the Divine torise above anything that blocks our path of purpose.

This empowerment is designed to help us to start challenging ourselves so that we are nolonger stuck in ruts, going in the wrong direction and or settling for a mundane life. The energy of this form will lovingly force us to grow,giving our self esteem a huge boost and helping us to see ourselves in a new light. No matter what type of goal we have in mind for ourselveswe will be given the needed energy to undertake any challenges so thatwe achieve our hearts desire as soon as possible.

We will be inspiredto take the actions needed to achieve our goal(s). We will unlock ourpotential as a result of working with this energy. During the process we will establish clearer vision so that we can see clearly where we desire to be. Any block that keeps us from seeing clearly will be removed.

Ascended Master Jesus, Dearest ones,know in your heart that you have a positive future and choose to see this in your minds eye. As you visualize the future you desire, you will be able to choose the decisions needed to help you rise above where you are now and get you to where you want to be to create the positive future you desire.

You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual.

Risen Empowerment - Master-$29.99

You will receive the Risen Empowerment manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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