Reiki 7 & 8 is an advanced Reiki Workshop that contains 4 symbols.
Reiki 7 & 8 also contains helpful techinques.
Reiki 7 Attunes you to a symbol that helps you break free from
dependence on things or bad relationships.
You will
learn to find the source of happiness within yourself and your
connection with the Universal Life Energy.
The Level 7 symbol is called The Great freedom and during the
Level 8 Attunement you will be attuned to a symbol called The
Great Peace which helps to bring peace
into your life.
You will also be attuned to the symbol called Anthahkarana
The Higher levels of Reiki which are Levels 5 to 13
are not part of the Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho System. The symbols
and Energy that are used in these Systems hold great power and