Usui Reiki Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki


Plus a Wonderful Expanded Version Included

Reiki is universal life energy which is gained by an Initiation from a Reiki Master.

The Reiki practioneer is able to access Reiki's Healing Energy by drawing symbols or by intent after his/her Initiation.

Traditional Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui in the 1800's and introduced in America by Takata in the 1970's.

Takata taught Reiki differently to her students allowing no notes and providing no manuals. This is the reason Reiki is taught differently with different attunement processes to gain the "energy" and as a result some people do not have any Reiki Energy as the information had become distorted.

After I had been initiated by 10 different Reiki Masters it was quite evident that all Reiki was not created equal although many Reiki practioneers are adept in their "Reiki".

Traditional Usui Reiki Plus

  1. Many symbols
  2. Tibetan Symbols.

  3. Beaming.

  4. Scanning- Level 1 (in person only).

  5. Special Healing Techniques.

  6. Long distance symbol, Mental symbol.

  7. Power symbol.

  8. Plus many techniques.

  9. Angel Attunements.

  10. A wonderful Chi Qong is taught that can be
    used to replace traditional hand positions.

  11. Over 34 different symbols included.

  12. Advanced energy work included.

  13. Johrei included.

  14. New techniques from Japan.

  15. Special Heart Attunement included.

  16. Kofutu Included.

  17. Special Reiki Meditations included.

  18. Violet Flame Reiki Workshop included.

  19. Extra Techniques.

Usui Reiki Master Teacher Level Includes

  1. Psychic surgery.
  2. Crystal grid.

  3. Over 34 Symbols Included.

  4. Scanning Levels II & III very Dynamic.

  5. Generic and Self-Attunement techniques. Usui

  6. 2 different Dai-Ko-Mios.

  7. Original Techniques.

  8. Violet Flame Levels 2 & 3 included.

  9. Advanced Attunement procedures.

  10. Long Distance Workshops Offered.

  11. Manuals and Diplomas provided.

Victor was Initiated into Usui Reiki by ten different Reiki Masters.

Usui Reiki/Expanded Version-$145.00
Manual Mailed Free Inside the USA

Manual Shipping Outside USA-$10.00

Traditional Reiki-Manuals Emailed

Thank you Victor, I have to share this with you. I have received the first attunement this morning and even though I have received these attunements before, this time felt soooooo SACRED. I just cannot find words to describe this experience. It was as if a very big whole opened on my head and the first attunement just went in easily and very strongly. Thank you again for all these blessings of light... Lots of love, Yvoni

Good morning dear Victor, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I AM SO GRATEFULL GRATEFULL GRATEFULL! Always I fell the energies in my third eye. This time I feld it also at the back of my head. It was really wonderful. Thank you once again. Much Love Vloula

Hi Victor, Thank you so much for teaching me about remote attunements. Thank you for the Reiki attunements which were so powerful. Love-AKI

Dear Victor, Thank you so much for the beautiful attunements. I did them earlier and I must say that it was a mystical experience. Time went both really fast and stood still at the same time. The energy was just amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this experience with me. With much love and many blessings, Kate

Victor Thank you for the advanced reiki attunements. I felt like its my first attunement . I had strong sensations in my palms with lighting and warm feeling in heart. I felt much light and I felt happy. My heart was open like lotus flower I had pain in my back strong energy was entering pushing into my back. I felt electricity streams in my chest and breast! I feel happy & blissful joy and peacful. It was lovely and my best reiki attunement. thank you- beautiful day- Ofira

Dear Victor-~The attunements were amazing!! I saw a large cho ku rei with many spirals like fingerprint and it was exactly the same as the one inside the manual. Anita

You will receive the expanded Reiki Master manual via snail mail, All Attunements and a printed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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