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Rainbow Helix Shakti


A Rainbow Helix Activation Is Heavenly!

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

You will receive a very unique Rainbow Helix Shakti meditiations to co-create your universe when you take this course!

You will be Attuned to 4 remarkable energies in Rainbow Helix Shakti!

Your intuitive nature will begin to expand as your mind calms and the impurities are dissolved in the Rainbow Helix energies.

Rainbow Helix Shakti Workshop's energies will help you realize your inner peace through it powerful Shaktis and techniques.

Rainbow Helix Shakti energies will give you balance in a sea of troubles.

By activating these Shaktis, you will regain your balance amidst the chaos of karma and every-day life.

Human life sometimes seems like a great storm of destruction.

But at the center of ever great storm lies a haven of calmness or inner peace!

As you regain your divine center amongst the turmoil, your life will unfold in a truly beautiful and fruitful way.

By activating these remarkable Shaktis, you will begin the journey to inner stillness.

Many great masters have said: "Finding your True Inner Self will give you meaning to the human experience."

As you activate these Shakti's their vibrations will help you to reach your own perfect state of balance!

Rainbow Helix Shakti-$145.00

Hi, Wavy undulating sensations. Tranquil. Veerrrry familiar. Is this 40 hz? Or is it just me? Am enjoying all of these combined with my devotional practices. Helps to smooth one along. Blessings Sally

You will receive the Rainbow Helix Shakti Practitioner manual via Email, All Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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