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Odes Of Solomen

There is no hard way where there is a simple heart, Good thought finds no wounds, Nor is there any storm in the depths of illuminated thought. Surrounded on every side by the beauty of the open country, one is free of doubt. Below is like above.

Open your ears, and I shall speak to you; Give me yourself, so that I too may give you myself.

He filled me with words of truth that I may speak the same. Like the flow of waters truth flows from my mouth, and my lips reveal its harvest, and it gives me the gold of knowledge for the mouth of the Lord is the true Word and the Door of His Light.

And the highest one gave the Word to His worlds, which interpret His own beauty, recite His praise, confess His thought, are heralds of His mind, are instructors of His works.

For the swiftness of the Word is ineffable and like His statement are Its swiftness and sharpness.

Its course knows no end, It never fails, it stands.

Its descent and Its way are incomprehensible. Like His work is Its end for It is the Light and the dawn of thought, and through It worlds converse... The mouth of the highest one spoke to them and he was made clear by His Word.

The dwelling place of the Word is man and Its truth is love.

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