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Temple Of Empowerment

Punishment Flush

Created By Mariah Windsong

The idea of being punished for ones wrongs or is deeply seated in all cultures. If you have ever been punished there could be imprints of it in your mind and your body. These imprints of punitive action upon you can stand in the way of your self worth being realized. Punishment Flush easily flushes away the punishment imprints that limit your ability to attract good to you.

Many people think that they deserve to be punished even for unkind thoughts. Others have subconscious memories of punishments that happened in other times and places. Bodies hold memories of ancestral punishments. Punishment Flush is brought to help free yourself from known and unknown limitation within yourself. When a punishment is threatened or received by anyone, a message of unworthiness can be received.

This message of unworthiness can be received by your body, mind, or spirit. In this way, now there is a register, a record of blemish, a reason some part of yourself can point to, saying that you do not deserve this or that good thing. There are benefits of punishment for some people. It is a way of making things right. Without punishment received, many people cannot move pasta crime or even a mistake. They feel that there is a need to pay a penalty before they are free to enjoy good things in life.

Included in this system is Punitive Flush which you can activate after you have received your Punishment Flush attunement. The difference is that a Punitive Flush flushes away the blocks to receiving clearance or forgiveness for a wrong that you have not yet been punished for. Punitive Flush is a great key to breaking the patterns of self sabotage. Many are not aware of the ways we may sabotage good things from happening or keeping them here when they do arrive.

Likely benefits of Punishment Flush include but are not limited to:

Increased Self Worth
Reduced or eliminated self abuse
Flushing away of genetic lineage punishment imprints
Flushing away of soul lineage punishment imprints

Punishment Flush - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Punishment Flush manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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