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Temple Of Empowerment

Protection Reiki

Protection Reiki surrounds you with a protective energetic shield that will prevent your own energies from being drained by other individuals and your environment.

Are you a healer/lightworker, A Channel for the divine, Nurse, Doctor the list is endless, do you find that your own energies feel depleted after seeing a client or even walking down the road.

This is a sign that your own energy is bring drained by the person, situation or surroundings, by working with the Protection Reiki energies they will aid you in protecting your aura and energy levels.

Most of us have at some time known someone who just seemed to drain our energy.

Using the Protection Reiki Empowerment you will learn how to surround yourself with a shield of protection to help block negativity and stop others draining energy from you.

Protection Reiki - Master-$15.00

You will receive the Protection Reiki manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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