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Temple Of Empowerment

Prosperity Consciousness Empowerment

Created by Tracey Loper

Prosperity Consciousness Empowerment will activate your divinely given ability to manifest abundance, prosperity,health and happiness in all areas of your life.

You will be empowered to become successful in our thinking so that you can achieve success in your reality.

Whatever subconscious beliefs are holding you back from what you consciously desire will be removed so that your thoughts are in alignment with your desired outcome. Resistance from your subconscious mind will be removed so that you are working in alignment with your goals and intentions. The energy will supercharge your subconscious mind so that you work in ways that you cannot fathom to create prosperity, which positions you in the flow of abundance that is available to you always.

The root chakra, also referred to as ones Prosperity Chakra, will be cleansed, cleared and balanced so that is operating at its highest level so you are able to have your survival instincts intact, handle money matters with ease and feel safe, secure, trusting, supported and financially abundant.

This will allow your manifestation vibrations to rise so that you increase your in flow as a money attractor and magnet.

Prosperity Consciousness Empowerment - Master-$33.33

You will receive the Prosperity Consciousness Empowerment manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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