Temple Of Empowerment

Prana Source 2010

Created By Ole:

Pre-requisite for this course: Tachyon 2008-2009-2010 or 2011 or Prana 2010 to receive this attunement.

Prana 2010 creates Prana Antennas, however, here with Prana Source 2010, creates Prana Source Antennas.

Prana Source Antennas create anything that comes into it field into Prana Antennas.

Everything that is close to a Prana Source Antenna, will become a permanent Prana Antenna.

Everywhere you put the antenna Life Force will be added. When you remove it the Life Force will fade gently. However, when working with a Prana Source Antenna - the LifeForce will not fade because the item or person will become a self sustaining antenna that emits the necessary lifeforce needed and permanently!

If you wear for example a Prana Source Antenna - you become energetically contagious! Everywhere you go - you will lift the energy of your surroundings permanently.

Therefore, each person that you come into contact with will be positively influenced by the great beneficial energy you emit and be permanently lifted by it!

Prana Source also enhances and boosts healing and attunement sessions.

With your purchase you will receive the course notes by Ole Gabrielsen, the distant attunement and a emailed certificate.

Prana Source 2010-Master -$25.00

You will receive the Prana Source 2010 Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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