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Temple Of Empowerment

Petroglyph Key Awakening

Created by Mariah Windsong

Petroglyphs are images carved or etched into rocks. The word comes from the Greek petros meaning stone and glyphein meaning carve. Since they usually represent a word, the universal nature makes it ideal for Divinity to communicate with us and connect us to eternal truth. They often represent thought concepts, not just individual words. Many petroglyphs are maps to various spiritual realms.

Petroglyph Key Awakening enhances your spiriutal understanding of petroglyphs by increasing the communication between you - your higher self and the I Am Presence.

If you want to expand your conscious knowledge of information and enlightenment - this can be realized when viewing petroglyphs. This system can establish new pathways of understanding when you are viewing petroglyphs.

Many symbols with provide multidimensional information can be received in your night dreams. Many awaken to remember scores of symbols that are unfamiliar to the conscious mind, Keep them close for you may feel these images are familiar to you on a soul or ancestal level.

Petroglyph Key Awakening provides the spark of awakening for your conscious mind to activate and use these symbols meanings!

Petroglyph KeyAwakening can establish new pathways of understanding for you from your spiritual body and higher self. Petroglyph Key Awakening specifically attends to awakening and teaching your mind how to interpret the messages within Petroglyphs and other symbols.

Petroglyph Key Awakening - Master-$35.00

You will receive the Petroglyph Key Awakening manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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