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Temple Of Empowerment

Personal Imprint Remover

Created By Mariah Windsong

After repeat activations of Personal Imprint Removal may include but are not limited to:

Freedom from seemingly random tugs from past lovers.
More peaceful sleep as night dreams become freed of visits and scenarios of people from your past for their links with you are now dissolved.
Freedom from the barrage of peoples' attempts to energetically cord you.
Gain spiritual maturity and become adept at "cleaning up" after yourself.

When you are in the public eye, your message will be remembered free of your personal energy. You gain the trust that your image, message or work, personally created stands on its own, upheld by Source without need of your personal imprint. You gain the freedom to be energetically sovereign and secure from the any uninvited tugs or leakage of your energy to other people. It becomes very easy to, with a moment and a thought, remove your personal imprint from anywhere you've been or any images or words. Personal Imprint Removal is to remove prints you left from where you stepped before as well as any personal energy others noticed about you.

Personal Imprint Removal frees you from the bonds others feel is their right to have with you. If you've felt tugged upon by anyone you've ever been romantically involved with you know the feeling of someone who thinks that you should be theirs. Relatives can also cord and tug upon a person if they want to control you or you aren't behaving as they want. The more you work with Personal Imprint Remover, the more responsive it becomes to your thought intent.

Personal Imprint Remover - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Personal Imprint Remover manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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