Founded By: Victor Glanckopf
The purpose of Personal Energetic Alignment Workshop is to balance and harmonize your life energetics while opening up your psychic gifts!
Your energetic matrix is held together with your thoughts and feelings which can be negative or positive!
Your unique energy matrix effects your mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
As you activate the special Empowerments in this workshop, you will move into a Higher Vibration that will harmonize and cleanse your entire being.
By taking this Workshop, you will realign your energy matrix so you will feel lighter, healthier and clearer.
As your energetic blocks are cleared and you become more connected to Source, you will move to the next level.
Your total life can be changed as you come into an alignment with your Spiritual Vibration.
Energy work connects you to the vast network of spiritual guides and teachers awaiting your attention and makes room for new evolutionary energies and easy changes.
Personal Energetic Alignment Attunements will harmonize and synchronize your personal energies to clear any and all stagnant energies so you will be harmony to the Divine Vibrations of Love and Wisdom!
You will receive 7 remarkable Initiations plus supporting meditation techniques!
Personal Energetic Alignment - Practitioner-$245.00