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Temple Of Empowerment

Pearlized Silver Seichim

Created by Mariah Windsong

Pre-Requisite: Second Degree Seichim/or Reiki

Pearlized Silver Seichim has a matrix of pearlized silver Seichim Energies.

Their Pearlilized quality means that they have smooth gentle colors of all the spectrums of the rainbow, including colors which are not visible to the eye, yet are readily received as "home" to our inner being and soul. The Pearlized Silver base of this Seichim energy system is of a refining quality that lifts you to receive from the most exalted level of these energies that you are ready for. This means that each time you call upon any of these energy streams to arrive unto you, you will continually be receiving the most exalted energy frequencies that are appropriate for you in each now moment.

Level 1: Pearlized Golden Violet Silver Seichim
For clearing, spiritual growth and protection and healing for the lower aspects of yourself. If it is time for any part of your self to have its job description upgraded, Pearlized Silver Seichim will help tha ttransition to occur in a manner that feels safe and acceptable.

Level 2: Pearlized Royal Blue Silver Seichim
Intensive energy for alignment with Divine Will and brings wisdom of alignment with Divine Will, Divine Will as it pertains to what is your bes tchoice in each now moment. This involves co-creation with Divinity rather than simple submission to it.

Level 3: Pearlized Silver Seichim Body
Brings attributes of all Seichim color octaves to wear around your body.

Pearlized Silver Seichim - Master-$28.00

You will receive the Pearlized Silver Seichim manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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