Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
OM MANI PADME HUM workshop contains new frequencies of Om Man Pade Hum energy.
The energies are designed to assist you in protecting your mind and body while promoting your spiritual advancement.
You will receive wonderful Attunements for your spiritual unfoldment plus techniques.
"Om" is the sound of central enlightenment. Mani Padme means "Jewel
in the Lotus" male within the female, energy infusing wisdom. Hum
is the sound of power, forcing the mantra into realization.
After the Workshop, you will be able to activate the powerful energies of Om Mani Pade Hum and use every syllable to produce
definite results plus your sixth chakra will be energized & expanded!
Highlights Of Workshop-3 Levels Each Level Is Complete Within Itself (No Other Levels Need Be Taken)

Kundalini Meditation for Enlightenment
3rd Eye Opener/Activator & Attunement
Crown Chakra Attunement
Meditation for Transcendence
Meditation for Actualizing Wordly Desires
Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra Initiated
Colors of the Mantra Attunened for Divine Consciouness.
Chenresig Initiation
Om Mani Padme Hum Workshop-95.00
Hello Victor, I have been wanting to write to you sooner.
It has been very stressful at work. Usually when I meditate I relax
but when I go to sleep sometimes I dream about all the stress. Since
the Om Mani Pad Me Om Workshop, I sleep restful. It seems like I automatically
go to the mountain top. The energy is as strong as anything I have ever
felt without any side effect like some other energies that shake you
up. Thank you-Frank.
Good morning Victor, I completed the last two attunements for Om Mani Padme Hum. Again, I am stunned at how powerful it was. I practiced several of the exercises, stated the affirmation
to banish darkness, and chanted Om Mani Padme Hum while taking the long breaths (I know you didn't recommend blending those but I did). My crown bloomed and
I heard the collective hum of monks chanting in the most beautiful echoes of harmony. It made my whole body hum and I felt the chanting was so powerful it
could light up the whole world with its sheer power and then some. Clara

It is best to take Om Mani Padme Hum Workshop over the telephone (free anywhere in the world)
to activate the Initiations and oral teachings (remote Attunements are also available).
You will receive the Om Mani Padme Hum Workshop manual via
Email, All Empowerments and a Printed certificate.
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.