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Temple Of Empowerment

New Love, Light and Hope Reiki

Founded by Tracey Loper

New Love, Light and Hope Reiki is a new form of Reiki which enables us to apply the energy of Divine grace, Love and Forgiveness to heal wounded aspects of ourselves so that we can experience New Love, Light and Hope in our lives. The energies of this system break through boundaries that block us from fully basking in the Sunlight of the Spirit.

The energies of New Light, Love and Hope Reiki help us to forgive, let go, trust, have compassion and unconditional love for self and others.

It helps us open our heart again.

It brings in the powerful energy of Divine Love for "Love Heals All Things."

After regular use of the system the capacity for compassion, understanding, generosity, considerateness, sensitivity, empathy ad unconditional love for self and others will be enhanced.

With regular use we are able to soften and grant love and acceptance to everyone, everything and to self - to All.

This system is especially useful and should be activated when you are:

Dominated by emotions and feelings
People Pleasing
Overly concerned with the needs of others
Putting the needs of others before ones own needs in an unhealthy way

New Love, Light and Hope Reiki -Master-$20.00

You will receive the New Love, Light and Hope Reiki Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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