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Temple Of Empowerment

Money Mastery Reiki Series

Created by Tawan Chester

- 9 systems - 9 attunements- Infinite Money, Cosmic Money, Money Matters, Money Pathways -

Money Mastery Reiki Series ($180 value for $105)

This series consists of 9 systems that help you truly master the subject of money.

The series encompasses the entire gamut of money so nothing is left out. Money Matters Reiki is the prerequisite for any system is the series.

Money Matters Reiki

Money Matters Reiki is a multilevel system that assists in all matters concerning money. It also addresses your thoughts, patterns, and those things that are self-sabotaging in nature. This system is the prerequisite for all other energy systems in the Money Mastery Series

Money Pathways Reiki

Money Pathways energy moves to create and stimulate routes in your life that money will flow on. You can use it to create roadways for money to travel to you.

Money Forms Reiki

Money Forms energy system helps you identify and locate the many forms of money. Money and its equivalent has many different forms and values and it is important that you are able to recognize them all.

Money Moments Reiki

Money Moments energy helps you to form ideas that have the potential to produce or make money. Ideas may come in a flash of a moment and you must recognize them in order to make good use of them.

Money Webs Reiki

Money Webs energy comes to assist you in formulating plans concerning money. Some plans may or may not be intricate but they will be what is needed to accomplish your goals concerning money.

Money Movements Reiki

Money Movements energy focuses on the things that cause money to flow to you. It also focuses on getting and increasing the circulation of money in your life. This could be situations or opportunities involving people, places, or things.

Money Longevity Reiki

Money Longevity energy comes to help bring you the stamina, drive, and endurance to work your moneymaking plans. Using this energy can help you continue working your plan until you reach the desired end.

Cosmic Money Reiki

Cosmic Money energy is directed at changing and expanding you knowledge concerning money. This subtle energy works through multiple dimensions to gather and bring information to you that you are then able to use.

Infinite Money Reiki

The Infinite Money energy increases your knowledge and connection with Divine Mind concerning money. This information can be incorporated with your efforts, plans, and dealings to bring about results that are more beneficial.

You will receive nine manuals, nine distant attunements, and a cert if requested & lineage information.

Money Mastery Reiki Series - Master-$105.00

You will receive the Money Mastery Reiki Series manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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