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Miracle Blessing Empowerments

"If We Bring Divine Vibrations Into Our Lives, We Become Divine!" Victor

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

Miracle Blessing Empowerments Workshop attunes you to 7 powerful energies of Kabalistic origens of unlimited potential!

These energies when Attuned correctly activate vibrations of energy for helping you solve your life's problems.

The Empowerments Include:

Energies to activate in times of extreme stress or danger. It has the vibrations to sustain you in a time of dire need.

Energies to activate to move events and control negative forces.

Energies to activate to make the right decision, with the proper balance and compassion.

Energies to activate when endurance is necessary to follow through and be victorious.

Energies to activate to gain deep insight. It creates clairvoyance that allows you to see into the future.

Energies to activate for peace and inner strength.

Energies to activate to grant renewal of your life that allows you to start over again.

The Kabalistic vibrations are very pronounced as the prayer itself is actually a form of code for the name of God. This prayer is called the Ana Beko'ach prayer.

It is a set of groupings of letters in the form of a prayer that has energy channels that will connect yous to the higher spiritual dimensions.

The prayer contains 42 names that are encrypted that were given on Mount Sinai 500 years after Abraham. The Miracle prayer is an ancient word of power and is divided into seven lines!

This grouping is encrypted in the 42 initial letters of the book of Bereshit (Genesis), starting with the word "bereshit" and continuing through the letter Bet.

The prayer is a secret formula for understanding the Mekaba.

The Miracle Prayer is also known as the Holy Name of Creation.

Each of its seven lines are a code that represents seven different divine energies!

You will receive 7 Empowerments for the above Plus Empowerments for the Kabalah Angels!

Miracle Blessing Empowerments-Practitioner-$125.00

Hi Victor, Just wanted to thank u again! The energies of Damballah, The 72 names of God, Miracle Blessings, Seventh Angel are amazing and I am getting lots out of them in my healing work! I am also learning lots about the Kabbalah and Enochian Angelic work as I devlve deeper into the energies. You are an amazing man and the energy systems and work you offer are astounding ....and I want you to know that!-James

Hi Victor, I've taken many wonderful workshops and attunements from you and I love them all, this one is becoming my favorite. The power of the attunements was amazing, as soon as I started receiving the first 2' Attunements, I felt lots of negativity being removed from all the chakras this has never happened to me before. When I came to the last attunements the energy was in all the chakras and the aura, giving me the most pleasant experience very calm, with a smile on my face, it is a different type of energy, certainly new for me. It is unbelievable how much negativity was removed only by accepting the attunements. As you told me the Mp3 version doesn't even come close to the power of the attunements. I will work with this workshop in the coming days and keep you posted. Many thanks and many blessings, Peco

Victor, I completed the first three attunements last night. My whole body is on fire and the energy was singing in my ears all night long. I do have some questions about the instructions and will send once I've completed attunements. Thank you for this powerful, beautiful energy. Clara

Victor - 3 words - Mind Blowing Workshop!!! GT

You will receive the Miracle Blessing Empowerments-Practitioner manual via Email, 12 Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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