Founded by Victor Glanckopf
It has been written that our greatest strength lies within us!
Balance & harmony are some of the keys to build this inner strength!
As you find harmony and peace within yourself by activating the Attunements in Mind Reconnection Shakti Workshop, you will be helping all the planet's people & all non-human life!
As you activate these Empowerments, you will be learning to spiritually reconnect with your Higher Self and your world.
This will help with your energetic healing process as the energies will relax and distress your mind & body!
You will find yourself at peace with yourself & the divine as you activate the 3 special empowerments and practice the accompanying techniques!
Mind Reconnection Shakti-Practitioner Level-$75.00
You will receive the Mind Reconnection Shakti Pactitioner Manual via
Email, All Attunements and a Printed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.