MARIEL Healing

Blessed Mother Mary

Ave Maria ! Blessed be the Hour! -Byron

Mariel Healing System contains No symbols!

The energies seem to work very powerfully for most healers and the Attunements to them are very dynamic.

Mariel Healing System has no connection to a system taught in the 80's as it is a different course.

Mariel contains a unique way of healing.

Mariel Healing System is the Healing Energy of Mother Mary.

There is a powerful Mother Mary Empowerment and Technique which further strengthens all Attunements you have or ever will have.

The theory behind MarieL healing is that every cell in our body has a memory. In these Memories we store negative mental, emotional and physical experiences that block the flow of our positive energy.

MarieL healing helps to release these negative memories.

Blessed Mother Mary

This is a must see for all serious students of Healing modalities.

Its historical value is very important but its true usefulness lies in its effectiveness and connection to a very Divine energy vibration.

In a Mariel Healing session, we channel the very loving and gentle energy, with the hands not touching the body.

4 Special Empowerments!

Many techniques are found here not found anywhere else!

Mariel Healing System Practioneer Level-$125.00

Symbol Course Available-$49.00

Dear Victor-- I called in the attunement for Mariel Healing through Spirit after talking to you. It was intoxicating--I really felt spacey and lightheaded. It passed after a few hours. It was a feeling of being in this world but at the same time out of it looking in... Thank you for the attunement. JM

Hi, Thought I would update you on the attunement. Even as I sit typing Mother Mary is still with me. The "soul shows" have be ...well I have no words. I know that "downloads" are taking place and will simply be there when I need them. I have always been close to the Ascended energy Of Mother Mary, but this is even more. THANK YOU, Nancy

You will receive the proper Mariel Healing Manual via Email, All Attunements and a Printed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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