Manuela Fasoli Courses
Please note: The Founders first language is not English so the manuals can seem confusing at times.
It is understandable and I am here to offer any assistance if it is needed.
999 Akashic Dimension Course-$45.00
999 High Frequency Thearpy-$50.00
Almighty Lord Channeller-$40.00
Almighty Lord Channeller-$40.00
Amsha And Purna Avatars-$15.00
Angel Celeste-$15.00
Angel Chantall-$15.00
Anti Punishment Flush-$15.00
Archangel Auriel Earth Spell Flush-$15.00
Archangel Gabriel Water Spell Flush -$15.00
Archangel Michael Fire Spell Flush-$15.00
Archangel Raphael Air Spell Flush-$15.00
Ascended Masters Etheric Sacred Pyramid-$20.00
Arteriosclerosis Helping Energy-$15.00
Aura Mini Course ArchAngel Michael-$45.00
Avalonmist Reiki-$25.00
Beauty Magick Cream Flush-$15.00
Bhakti Flush-$15.00
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention-$15.00
Charm Magick Essence Reiki-$25.00
Colon Diseases Healing Energy-$15.00
Come To Me Magick Essence Reiki-$25.00
Comigo Ninguem Pode Magick Flush-$21.00
Crystalline Semi-Stellar Crystals Flush-$15.00
DNA Codes MP3-$25.00
Dysfunctional Patterns Remove Reiki-$25.00
Etheric Luy Liak Magick Talisman-$25.00
Exu Tranca Tudo Spell Flush-$15.00
Fallen Angels Banishing And Protection-$15.00
Flu Healing Flush-$15.00
Healing With Mary Mother Of All Angels-$20.00
Healing With The Grace Of The Real Jesus-$20.00
Healing With The Green Light Of Archangel Michael-$15.00
Healing With The Holy Spirit-$15.00
Healing With The Purple Light Of Archangel Michael-$15.00
High Frequency Healing With Archangels-$25.00
High Light 12th Dimension-$35.00
Home Problems Fixing Energy-$15.00
How To Become A Psychic Clairvoyant -$35.00
How To Be Protected-$55.00
Increase Popularity Flush-$15.00
Inner Conflict & Choices Energy-$15.00
Kabbala Multidimensional Ascension 999
Kundalini Audio Course-$20.00
Larah Magical Healing Eenergy-$15.00
Long Life Flush-$25.00
Magical Light Blessings-$15.00
Magical Shamanic Drums-$15.00
Magical Vidme Water-$15.00
Magic Course-$45.00
Marid Djinn Miranha-$25.00
Marie Laveau Essence Reiki-$35.00
Meet My Soulmate Spell Flush-$15.00
Met Kalfou Magick Power-$21.00
Moanja Lemurian Masters-$18.00
Money Recall Magick Essence Reiki-$30.00
Namasmarana Flush-$15.00
Navaratma Etheric Ring-$21.00
Neuroplastic Session Flush-$15.00
Numerology 999-$25.00
Overcome Anxiety & Panic Reiki-$25.00
Pain Go Away Spell Flush-$15.00
Pendulum Flush-$15.00
Pet Healing Flush-$15.00
Pet Psychology Healing Flush-$15.00
Pets Relationships Healing-$15.00
Pleasure & Joy Flush-$15.00
Pleidian DNA MP3S-$55.00
Positive Customers Energy-$15.00
Poverty Energy Flush-$15.00
Powerful Law Of Attraction White Spell Flush-$15.00
Psychic Reading Flush-$15.00
Quantum Hypnotic Regression-$15.00
Radionic Cleaning Reiki-$25.00
Roseann Angelic Reiki-$15.00
Sai De Mim Spell Flush-$15.00
Samskharas Shamanic Cleansing Mastery-$15.00
School Success Flush-$15.00
Sexual Magnetic Device-$15.00
Sexual Pleasure Flush-$15.00
Shaman Course-$55.00
Shylee The Fairy Of Light-$15.00
Spirit Guides MP3S-$45.00
Spiritual Leadership Flush-$15.00
Spiritual Vows Remover-$15.00
Tarot Reading Flush-$15.00
The 4 Thieves Magick Essence Reiki-$25.00
The Magical Creation Of Safe High Frequency Helpers-$55.00
The Shamanic Light Healing Ritual Of Mother Moon-$30.00
The Siddhic Healing Course-$45.00
The New Violet Healing-$25.00
Theta Flush-$15.00
Time Line Healing Flush-$15.00
Vidma Healing-$25.00
Vidma Multidimensional-$45.00
Vipassana Flush-$15.00
Voultige Brriere Magick Essence Reiki-$25.00
White Brotherhood Reiki-$15.00
Witch Spells Flush-$15.00
$15.00 dollars for ANY single Course Below: Email ( the name of the course you want
Many of these Systems have Mantras, Meditation, Prayers or Symbols
- 12 Dimension Crystal
This is a beautiful and gentle healing energy that we can all use
in our daily lives. Not only it Helps us heal from different ailments and causes,
it can also help us to remove blockages that prevent our progress on our life path.
- 1-5-9 PHE-KUE
Sacred Angelic Codes for Pancreas Care!
This system comes from the source and from angelic realm and gives you the secret
code to help your pancreas, its functions and its wellness, manual has the code!
- 288 Alfa Sacred Uriel Flush
This code energy flush comes from our beloved archangel uriel to heal childhood traumas, beliefs and blockages that prevent
us from being happy and reach our goals.
- 4411 Sacred Uriel Healing Flush
This code energy flush helps you to be linked to archangel uriel and his protection as a lightworker. Also to receive
prophetic skills and holy wisdom from high masters and angelic realm.
- 515-27 Angel Parsiel Rich & Remove Money Blocks
This scared energy comes from the angels to help us in money matters and to earn more. To receive money and remove money
blocks. This angel is very kind, generous and protective and will always help us when we need
abundance and money.
- 54721-19 Hanael Secret Healing Code Heart
This system comes from Source and from angelic realm. It gives you the secret code to help your heart,
in wellness(in the manual you find the code).
- 911-19-VE TSU Codes For Pain Relief
This system comes from the source and from angelic realm
and gives you the secret code to help you to have relief from pain,
and to be in more wellness(in the manual you find the code).
- 999 Cleaning Flow
999 Cleaning Flow comes from Ascended Masters of 999 frequency and powerfully clears all negative and stagnant low energies and entities from a
specific place, house or office then infuse energies in the frequency of 999 to that place to give benefits for physical and mental health.
- 999 Crystal Matrix
Crystal healing energy gives you the tools to develop your knowledge and application of crystals in the wider context of the cosmos and its amplifying powers.
It will connect you with your supernatural powers and enable multi-dimensional
healing by tapping into the quantum field of possibilities and your own crystalline matrix.
- 999 Earth Angel Helping Energy
We all more or less are lightworkers but some, often many ,of us are incernated angels who lost this memory and their life often is full
of problems to solve,obstacles and time of sadness or bitterness.this energy will help you to overcome faster and better these moments.
If you are an earth angel your soul belongs to the 9th or 12th dimension and this does not means you are perfect or you fly with wings because you are human now,
it means just you have higher missions.
- 999 Healing Power Boost
The planet needs more healers. The Earth is crying out for pure healers, and human society is begging for healing on every level. More than ever, the healers time is now.
We need to bring healing to our young people, our old people, to our communities, to sick people and to our homes! This system will help you to do this better and faster.
- 999 High Cleaning
This system comes from my guides, my high masters. It is high energy, gentle but powerful, step by step cleans all your energetic bodies giving you freedom from low energies that
can block your life and your goals.
999 High Blessing
This system comes from the high dimensions masters. It is a gentle but strong healing and blessing energy that will bless you in all your life helping
you with your ascension process in high dimensions and your spiritual mission on earth.
999 Healing With Frequency 11
This system comes from my guides. Number 11 frequency: The number 11 is associated with spiritual enlightenment, intuition and higher awareness. It is believed to represent the bridge
between the material and spiritual worlds, inviting people to follow their spiritual path with confidence and wisdom. The 11 can also indicate great emotional sensitivity and intuitive connection
with divine energies.This sistem gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 22
This system comes from my guides. Number 2 frequency: 2: The number 22 is often called Master Builder or Master Architect. It represents the ability to manifest dreams into reality through hard work,
dedication and clear vision. It is associated with the realization of great projects and the ability to turn ideas into concrete actions. 22 brings a potential for leadership and lasting impact on the world.
This system gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 33
This system comes from my guides. Number 33 frequency: The number 33 is considered the most powerful of the master numbers. It is associated with compassion, healing and divine wisdom. Number 33 invites you to
serve others with unconditional love and to express your creativity and spirituality in the world. This number can bring great opportunities for selfless service and to inspire others through example. This system
gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 44
This system comes from my guides Number 44 frequency: Although technically not considered a master number in traditional numerology, the number 44 is often seen as a powerful energy of great stability.
It is associated with the material manifestation of desires and the realization of one's concrete goals. 44 brings a sense of solid foundation . This sistem gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts..
999 Healing With Frequency 55
This system comes from my guides Number 55 frequency: Although not classified as a master number in numerological tradition, the number 55 is often interpreted as an energy of change and transformation.
It represents freedom, adventure, and openness to new possibilities in life. The number 55 can indicate an opportunity to break old patterns and embrace a new chapter filled with personal growth and development.
This system gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 66
This system comes from my guides-Number 66 frequency: The number 66 is often seen as an energy of healing and unconditional love. It represents balance between the material and spiritual spheres, as well as
responsibility and selfless service to others. This sistem gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 77
This system comes from my guides. Number 77 frequency: The number 77 is associated with spiritual enlightenment and the search for inner truth. It represents the depth of knowledge, awareness and divine wisdom.
It can indicate a period of deep introspection and spiritual growth. This system gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 88
This system comes from my guides. Number 88 frequency: The number 88 is often interpreted as an energy of abundance and material prosperity. It represents financial success, power and the fulfillment
of material desires. It can indicate a time when significant financial or career opportunities . This system gives you the high frequency of this number and its gifts.
999 Healing With Frequency 99
This system comes from my guides Number 99 frequency: The number 99 is associated with spiritual transformation and the completion of a cycle. It represents compassion, selfless service and a desire to
contribute to the good of humanity. It can indicate the end of a chapter in life and the beginning of a new phase of growth and evolution. This sistem gives you the high frequency of this number and its giftsy .
- 999 Quantum Healing Flow
999 Quantum Healing Flow comes from the matrix to allow you to have a stress free, joyous, peaceful and abundant life. It allows you a greater understanding
to what the purpose of life is and helps you to be more happy.
- 999 Psychic
This system, with this high energy, helps you to be a better medium, clairvoyant, psychic or empath, you could see, hear or feel even,
ghosts, spirit guides and demons, and develop certain abilities that already reside within you.
- 999 Khooham Energy
This system comes from the high dimensions masters. It is a gentle but powerful healing energy that helps you to spiritually grow and to heal your invisible bodies
bringing you more balance,high frequency and harmony.
- 999 New Mediumship Energy
This system comes from the high dimensions masters and help us to be a high dimension medium ,we can talk in our mind and inner self with high beings ,spirits and masters
without the interference of low entities and ghosts.
- 999 Soul Star Healing & Cleanng
The first spiritual chakra is located about 70 to 80 cm above our head.The Soul Star Chakra is our connection or portal to the universe and multidimensions, it
is the seat of our subconscious mind. For this reason, the Soul Star Chakra is seen as our connection to our Higher Self and needs to be often cleansed and healed.
With this high frequency flow we will clean and heal it much better and quickly.
- 999 Spiritual Life Stratergy
According to the teachings of high master everyone of us as a lightworker has a specific strategy to reach his or her goals but not always do we the
right thing in the right moment for us, so often we do not reach what we want in that moment or time. The spiritual strategy is not life mission is more the
how to reach what we need and want. With this system you will be helped to fallow our own strategy!
- 999 T.F.H Healing
This system is based on the stimulation of certain points of the etheric body through Divine. Tapping to resolve certain ailments, both physically and emotionally.
Through this system it is therefore possible to solve a variety of disorders such as depression, anxiety, worry, fears, phobias, obsessions, traumas, panic attacks,
physical pains, blockages!
- Aakashic Magical Energy to Change The Past
Aakashic Magical Energy to Change The Past comes from high dimension masters and helps us to go in the akashic records. We can ask the masters to change our past, especially in those past
lives where we had bad experiences or where our bad karma started.
- Abbot Julius Powerful White Magic Pentacle 1
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 2
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 3
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 4
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 5
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 6
- Abbot Julius White Magic Pentacle 7
- Activation Starseed Lost DNA Strands
We all know now that 97% of our DNA is starseed and it is deactivated due to a process of stagnation of the
evolution of the human being. The star of the soul allows us to integrate in our life, in the present moment,
our sequence of consciousnesses that inhabit other dimensions. We are connected to several individuals because
originally we were all part of a single consciousness, so they are also known as fractals or quantum doubles.
This system helps to awake the memory that is in the strands of our starseed DNA.
- Activation Of Pleiadian Healing Powers
This system comes from the source and from my Guides. With this system you will have a permanent link with the healing power
of the higher Pleiadian healers. You can use this energy in your healing sessions for you,your family, friends or customers.
- Addictions Healing Flush
Recovering from addictions and negative behaviors can be difficult for everyone. Addictions and negative behaviors can range from alcohol and drugs to
food, anger or other behaviors that we engage in that have negative effects.
- Advanced Colour Energy Healing
Advanced Colour Energy Healing represents a great revolution in energy healings. This very advanced healing energy
uses high frequency color energy that produces very rapid healing and treats a great range of diseases.
- After Life Vision
- Aggression Protection
This system comes from the source and Archangel Michael to protect us against aggressions,
bad behaviors, and outdoor dangers in these hard times. This course this is an energetic protection,
you must be careful, take care of yourself, close your home doors as usual but this energy gives you an energetic
shield that may be really useful.
- Akashic Friends Spiritual Healing
- Ak Nahual Shaman Activation
With this activation you will be a shaman spirits messages bringer. You will be more in touch with the 3 worlds.
You can receive their messages for you or others but if you get messages for others you must pass it on.
Alatyr Magik Stone
The alatyr is a very powerful magic stone that protect you from dangers and give you good luck. This system gives you its energy.
- Alchemic Bakti Healing
This energy comes from the ancient multidimensional avatars and it is a pure, clear, soft, loving care new energy that empowers your healing skills and your faith.
- All Chakras Cleaning Open & Healed
All Chakras Cleaning Open & Healed comes from my guides and it cleans, heals and opens all your chakras even the soul stars that is the chakra of our incarnation.
Beside this gives a boost to all our chakras not only the seven major ones.
- Amadriade Energy Flush
Amadriades are a particular type of driads. they live inside the trees, to which they are linked,
in fact they suffer the same fate and die if the tree dies. but towards people who love nature
and trees they're very kind and sweet They can pass their healing energy and the power of love to you.
- Am Aya Samshy Flush Level One
This energy comes from intergalactic beings of light! It clears and activates your astral gate point that governs
your gastroenteric earthly body welness and your scial and job relationships. This energy is a high frequency that
clears your astral, etheric and spiritual field from lower and dangerous
- Am Aya Samshy Flush Level Two
This energy comes from intergalactic beings of light. It clears and activates your gate point to bring you wellness,
love, good relationships to wash away blockages, parasites, sad memories and low entities that usually are attached to your body
blocking you from a healthy, full and happy life.
- Am Aya Samrhu Flush
This energy comes from intergalactic beings of light to clear nad activate your connection between your
body, your life and the light masters. When this energy clear and actvate this vessel even your ancestors
and your deceased beloved ones will be more healed and pacified and they will help you more and send you cear messages.
this energy wil link you beter with nature spirit crystals and animls.
- Amavinaya Fire Puja Bessings
This energy is very powerful and important because it helps you to cloose negative channels and portals with the dark side and dimensions. It helps you
to be free from energetic vampires of all times and dimensions.
- Am Aya Samtho Flush
This energy comes from intergalactic beings of light to clear, heal and activate your
pancreas, spleen and liver. This is very important for our health because many virus, parasites,
entities and bacteria use this astral point to reach us.
- Amovenye Blessings
This is a blessings from high dimensions that brings you wellness, wealth,love, self growth and gives you a link with this god of abundance and even justice, harmony
and relationships repair. It isinfused with magical high frequency energy!
- Ancestral Healing Energy
Ancestral healing is the healing way of exposing and healing wounds and traumas passed down by our ancestors. Anybody investigating their heritage will
discover both positives and negatives that go through the bloodlines from one generation to the next. Coming into a good relationship with your ancestors
empowers you to transform negative lineage patterns into blessings and brings good health, self esteem, clear purpose, and better relationships with your
living family members.
- Ancient Serpent Shamanism Mysteries Blessing
Long time ago, before rational thought became the lens through which we saw the world, there existed a perception, and a knowing, which was rooted in something
deeper, within our collective imagination called the snake force of creation. In many ancient culture there were the misteries of the serpent power, for example
the ancient knew the importance of serpent power in leading to the full activation of your Merkaba. With this system you can reawake this power for your healings
and your spiritual growth.
- Animal Pet Reiki Energy Healing
This system helps you to heal your beloved pets and all the animals bringing them wellness and joy.
- Animal Real Communication Flush
Animal Real Communication Flush comes from my guides. This is a two way communication system, in other words understanding our pet better and helping them understand us.
It is good, fun, and necessary because they always talk to us but we do not catch often what they really would say.
- Anxiety Relief Flush
In life we have many stressors. We walk through life on a daily basis filled with anxieties about many things. We have good days and bad days.
But some stresses are more present and give us more problems and as you know, stress calls stress. With this system you can bring some relief to your
or your customers,beloved or friend stress.
- Annween Opening Gates Flush
This system comes from my guides and helps you to get in the high magical realm talking, working and receiving messages from magical and positive beings of this realm
in a safe and joyful way.You can use in your meditations, trance or shamanic journey.
- Anti-Inflammation Energy System
This system comes from the source and remove and neutralize inflammation in all cells and all organs and all parts of our energetic body completely at once. It can be even
a little help for Covid patients who have body organs inflammation and lung inflammation. This system does not replace medical therapy it is an energetic help.
- Apawao Kawama Shaman Blessings
This energy opens the gate to the secrets of shaman healing art and gives you more
healing power to heal yourself and others.
- Archangel Michaels Healing & Cleansing Tool
Archangel Raphael Love & Relationships Miracles
Our beloved Raphael can help us not only with health or money or travels problems but
even with love problems. He can help us to repair relationships, to find soulmates and to love ourselves.
This sistem with its pure bright green powerful energy,comes from his Grace and from the source to help us with
love matters.
- Assertiveness Flush
Assertiveness Flush comes from the source and helps you to be more assertive.
helps you to say no, helps others without loosing your energy and without letting others overwhelm you
or suck your energy with fake victimism.
- Astral Light Protection
In the astral realm there is a part where theres a big light that can protect human beings. With this system you can have
that ray of protective light created quite to protect you when you deal with astral plane.
- Atlantis Realm Gift Flush
Atlantis was an Ancient Era, and many of us are now feeling very connected as healers.
Our gifts and knowledge are now back to us. We now have the connection of the dragons, the wisemen, the unicorns,
the dolphin realms and all the light beings of that time. With this system you will have this energy and these gifts in your field.
- Atrial Fibrillation Relief Flow
- Astral Body Cleaning Help Flow
- Aura Clearing Flow
This system comes from our beloved angels and high masters and its energy clean very well our aura from
all negative and unuseful energies . With this system you can clean your aura easily and often so you are always cleaned and pure.
- Aura Healing Flush
This system comes from our beloved angels and high masters and its energy heals our aura holes, dark shadows and problems before they reach our material body. It is very useful.
- Bad Dark Djinns & Ifrit Remover
This system helps you to remove bad djinns and dark ifrit from persons, people, places and from yourself.
It is very very useful especially if you believe in muslim religion because these creatures can be against muslims.
- Bad Karma Healing Protection
- Bad Viral Mutation Shield
You know often viruses change and when they have a mutation it takes time to recognize new different
symptoms and link them to the mother virus. One of the worst mutation happens when it turns from aerobic to
anaerobic. This system comes from the source to protect our energetic field from evil mutations. This system
is not a replacement for medical therapy or medical diagnosis.
Balodnya Gomogniza Helping Flush
A balodnya is a water witch from beyond the veil who can help you with your spells and your healing sessions. This system comes from my guides and it is very useful and powerful.
- Banish Demons Of Disgraces
There are many demons who bring really bad things to us and our heart. This system helps us to banish them and keep them far from us.
We can use this system for ourselves and or our planet.
- Banish Grilla
Grilla is a bad entity who brings problems,blocks your goals and can make you feel even blue & depressed. She can enter in your home causing even misfortune. This system sends her
away with high frequency energy, something that she can not bear!
- Baron Samedi Against Bad Energy, Curses & Hexes
As you know Baron Samedi is a powerfl vooudu loa, lord of the death gate. He brings the souls in the
underworld if they're bound to go there but he is even a very powerful washer of negativity, hexes,cures and
dangers. With this system you will have his protection and his energy against all negativities.
- Belenus Magik Flush
Belenus is the Celtic God of the Sun. His names means the Shinning One. He is celebrated at Beltane. Belenus is often depicted riding a chariot across the sky,
with the sun in the background. He has also been linked to healing, especially with channelling the suns energy to heal. With this system you have a
strong permanent link to his energy.
- Bessh Cleansing Enery
Bessh Cleansing Enery comes from the vidmas beyond and helps you to wash away from you bessh actions, bessh is one of the demon of black magick whispers. This kind of magik
is very used, powerful and bad and sometime is worse than a curse.
- Bessh Protection Enery
Bessh Protection Enery comes from the vidmas beyond and protect you from bessh, bessh is one of the demon of black magick whispers,this kind of magik is very used,
powerful and bad and sometime is worse than a curse.
- Better Income Flush
This system comes from the source and high masters to help you with your money problems. It gives you faster cash and income because money.
- Better Results Flush
This system comes from my guides and will help you to reach the better results possible in everything you do and want.
You can simply pray for a little goal or result and God knows what deserve more. You can use this energy for everything.
- Biotrance Healing Flow
This is a new healing energy that comes from the source and high dimensions guides to help you to improve your well being,
manifesting power and happiness.
- Biochelation Eenergy Flush
- Birth Point Clearing Energy
- Black Magic Mirror
A black magik mirror is very useful if you do magik and lightworks because it sends back all negativity, protect you from some demons and helps you to
open your third eye. It is a must have.
- Black Mary Power
Marie Adelaide Lenormand used to be called black Mary because of her long strong black hair. She had a very strong magic clairvoyant power.She was able
to see everything even without her cards.This system links you to her power and her gift.
- Blockage Removal
3 MP3S
- Bloody Eclipse Protection
As you know every year a bloody portal can be opened from may to november. This year
it is even stronger and dangerous and can bring bad things to all of us. My guides gave us this gift to protect us from dangers and negative energy.
- Blooming Health
- Blooming Love
- Blooming Love White
- Blue Print Healing
- Body Holy Shield
- Bogacka Magik Spell Flush
This spell flush helps you to become wealthy and rich and to manage better your money. This is an ancient and powerful vidma spell and
is infused with this magik energy of bogacka, the goddess of wealth.
- Brain Helping Flush
This system comes from the source to help healing of all kind of brain problems, brain inflammation,
injury or any kind of brain problem after fight, accident, stroke or desease.
- Brehinha Goddess Protection
This goddess is a slavic goddess who protects you and your beloved or friends from negative energy, black nagik, dark entities and low frequency. She is very sweet
and strong and powerful.
- Bring Me Healing Power
This system comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge
your amulet (you can choose a stone,a ring,an object or what you most like) with
powerful healing power that you can use in your healing sessions. Of course it is
useful then to have with you your amulet when you heal someone.
- Bring Me Health Etheric Magick Charging Amulet Flush
This sistem comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge your amulet (you can choose a stone,a ring,an object or what you most like) with the energy of health and wellbeing. of course it's useful then to bring with you your amulet!
- Bring Me Love Etheric Magick Charging Amulet Flush
This sistem comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge your amulet (you can choose a stone,a ring,an object or what you most like) with the energy of love,it can bring you the love and even the lover you need.of course it's useful then to bring with you your amulet!
- Bring Me luck Etheric Magick Charging Amulet Flush
This sistem comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge your amulet (you can choose a stone,a ring,an object or what you most like) with the energy of luck,your luck ,what may be lucky for you and what can bring you the luck you need.of course it's useful then to bring with you your amulet!
- Bring Me Protection From Evil Charging Amulet Flush
This system comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge
your amulets (you can choose a stone, a ring, an object or what you most like) with the
energy of of a great protection from evil energy, negativity and low energies. Of course
it is useful then to bring with you your amulet!
- Bring Me Wealth Magick Etheric Charging Amulet Flush
This sistem comes from magical beings of beyond and its magick energy will charge
your amulet (you can choose a stone, a ring,an object or what you most like) with the energy
of wealth, richness the right richness for you and for your needs and wishes. of course it is
useful then to bring with you your amulet!
Business Miracles Reiki
This activation helps you work to grow and empower your
business. It helps us to work on the blocks connected to failure, poverty and dissatisfaction
to then manifest the goals we want in the workplace and economic.
- Byes Protection Flush
The byesses are very dangerous demons who can harm seriously your life and change it for the worst in every area. With this system and its energy you are much more protected.
You have complete protection if you do not use black magik without perfect knowledge and perfect protection. Anyway it is better not to use it!
- Clairsentience Flow
- Clairvoyance Skill Flush
- Clairaudience Skill Flush
- Clearing And Cutting Flush
This system cleans our energetic system, chakras, nadis, mind and auras from any negative energies and negative emotions and thoughts picked up from others and cut the cord to them.
- Compuko Energy
Compuko Energy comes from my guides. It is linked to the age old wisdom of traditional chinese medicine, which is the basis of modern acupuncture.
It is a wellness energy that restores the proper energetic functioning of the persons body.
- Contact Deceased Ones
- Closing Negative Portals
This system comes from the source and helps us to close any negative portal that consciously or unconsciously had been opened into the energetic
field of a person and that attract and absorb negative entities and creatures. This system helps to remove and clear all
causes of the portal and any negative contracts and agreements and even ancestral and inherited contracts.
- Cosmic ICloud Illness Healing
- Cornelius Agrippa Magicum Evocationis Energy
Enrico Cornelius Agrippa was a great magician and this system creates a link with his spirit and his magik with all the power he had.
You may use this energy in your magik work or in your lightworkers job.
- Creating Mastering Four Magic Elements
The most important thing is to create this magik energy inside you and then irradiate these elements outside to really consacrate
your own work space, beside, if you are these four elements your power is much more. With this system you can do this without any casting and
even without tools in a balaced way.
- Crisis Get Out Flush
We all often pass under dark or bad bridges, and we can get in a crisis. This system that comes from high dimension
angels will help you to get out faster from your crisis and to raise up again like a phoneix.
- Cutting Bad Karma Seeds
With this high frequency system you will cut and wash away the bad seeds of your negative karma. Sometime we use systems or therapy to delete bad karma but in our
multidimensional dna there are still some seeds and sooner or later they can grow and give us problems again.
- Dangerous Extraterrestrial Release Energy
This system comes from the source and from our
beloved archangel Michael and helps you to release Dangerous
extraterrestrial entities or their chips attached to your energetic field.
- Dark Entities Release Flush
This system comes from the source and from our beloved archangel
Michael and helps you to release dark entities attached to your energetic field.
- Dashbo Kolyada Magic
This system is magik and poerful and must be very respected. It helps you to change your destiny for the better giving you joy
and realization of all your goals. With this system you will have his blessings and his magik energy.
- Dead World & Starving Ghost Protection
this system comes from my guides and helps you to be protected from these dead entities that can harm you and your life and health.there’re dangerous entities
who need to be feeded and your energy,your life force is their food.
- Debts Free Flush
This system comes from the source and helps you to manage your life and your money problems in order to be debts free with your own skills and with divine help.
- Decrease & Lower Cortisol
This system helps you to decrease and lower cortisol and remove the patterns.
It can lower testosteron after age 30 in men and restore the testosteron production to a safe level.
- Detector & Washing Flush
Detector & Washing Flush comes from the source and finds
living nano-robots, any nano-bots, any nano-particles any nano-parasite and any nano-parasite with chemical structure and then deactive and destroy all of them,
and then freeze and surround and cover any remaining memory by divine
energies avoid harming the body and not being absorbed by the body.
- Detoxing Vaccination Negative Effects
This system comes from my guides to help your enery field to be protected and to speed your or others healing from the effects of
all these corona vaccinations. Of course this does not replace any medical therapy it is an energetic aid.this energy is gentle but powerful.
Devils Portals Closing Flush
Devils Portals Closing Flush energy helps to close demons, jinnx and devils portals to save us from black strong, sometime fatal attacks and necrochannels actions.
These portals as you maybe know,can open itselves at every crossroad, near cemetery and in old forest.
- Different Kinds Corona Virusses Protection
this system comes from my guides to help your enery field to be protected and to speed your or others healing from different kinds of
corona virusses.of course this doesn’t replace any medical therapy it’s an energetic aid. this energy is gentle but powerful.
- Diksha Tumo Reiki
Practicing tummo meditation on a daily basis can have several positive effects on your well being. First of all it helps you clear your mind, as monks traditionally
use it to abstract from intrusive or forbidden thoughts.
This system combines tummo with diksha so you can have direct access to the Divine within. It has the power to release trauma, physical, mental and emotional.
The energies flow directly to the physical heart and heart chakra. It often brings many emotional openings to the receiver and a heightened emotional state
isexperienced for some times.
- Divine Source Blessings
- Dna Karma Removing
- Dogs Healing Flow
This system comes from the source to help the healing of your dogs .this energy can speed their healing
and can help them to feel better especially when they absorb our negative energies. This is not a replacement
of medical therapy but an energetic help.
Domovoy Flush
The Domovoy is a good spirit who protects the home and the people who live in the home.
Most of all they protect your poperty fromdangers and bad spirits. This system helps you to have this protecting energy.
- Dramas Clearing Flow
- Duga Energy Flush
Durga is the hindu goddess who wins over demons, demoniac entities and energy, jinks and curses or dark magik. With this system you will have a link with her great
energy and magical strenght and power her name means invincible.
- Dvaroy For Pet Protection
Dvaroy is a high spirit who loves and protects animals, especially house animals like pets, cows and horses. This one too is infused with magical
high frequency energy
- Economic Recovery
Sometime in our job or business our money situation is good or bad. This system comes
from angels to help us to raise up from dark and hard times like the ones we're living now.
This energy is useful in every time not only in a pandemic time because everyone may live his/her up and down!
Egyptian Magik Energy Flow
This system has been created through a unique combination of energies, blessings and vibrations,
so to offer you an attunement which will touch and awaken all the levels of your existence.
With this system, you will receive the divinity of the Light Language and Light Codes as blessings,
the attuning power of the Spoken Word, the pure and unconditional love of creation.
- Elemental Magikal Air Power Energy
With lemental Magikal AirPower Energy you have the magik energy of this element and its spirits. The sylphs,
the elemental of air, are most like humans because they would drown in water, suffocate in dirt, and burn in fire.
- Elemental Magikal Earth Power Energy
The Earth element represents the foundation and stability. It is the physical support on which everything rests and grows. With this system you have the magik
energy of this element and its spirits.
- Elemental Magikal Fire Power Energy
With Elemental Magikal Fire Power Energy you have the magik energy of this
element and its spirits. Fire elementals were commonly thought to take the form of salamanders. These elementals are small spirits of nature
that humans can not see but are real and live inside the four elements.
- Elemental Magikal Water Power Energy
With Elemental Magikal Water Power Energy, you have the magik energy of this element and its spirits. The undines,elemental
spirits of water, look and are the same size as people and undines are friendly to humans.
- Elemental Magik Initiation
With Elemental Magik Initiation, you will be initiated to the ancient Magik of the Elements and all their Spirits!
YOU become a Makik being with this Initiation!
Eliphas Levi Powerful Magik Energy
Eliphas Levi was one of the most powerful magicians and full of magik knowlegde!
With this system you will have more knowledge and magic power and energy.
- Elves King Magical Medicine
The Elves King Magical Medicine helps people to live in wellness and to heal faster when they're not well.
Elves have powerful magical remedies for everything in their realm. These remedies are made of light and magical
- Elves Queen Magical Power
All the elves queens have the power to awaken psychic abilities in others. With this energy you will be helped
to become more psychic, intuitive and to see past, present and future in your mind.
- Elves Warriors Magical Protection
This system gives you the elves warriors energy to protect you from enemies, negative energies and entities,
bad ghosts, and curses. This energy is both a power and a shield against bad things, bad energies and people.
- Emotional Timeline Reprograming Flow
The timeline for us is a pattern that all human beings have, an internal model of time representation.
Every one represents the temporal flow in different ways and this is true but the timeline is even
a real etheric flowing line that contains our traumas,bad experiences and blockages. With this system you can reprogram
your destiny especially in the past, because the past is the seed of what we are and have now and the present is the
seed of our future.
- Empathic Healers Protection
This system is for protecting empathic person from negative energy and negative felling of others without decreasing the
persons ability to sense others negative energies and emotions.
- Energetic Protection
This system comes from Archangel Michael to help us with dangerous collateral effects
of new medicines that can harm us. This is an energetic help and does not replace medical therapies.
- Energy Skills Reiki
This system helps you to activate and increase peoples ability to: manipulate energy, guiding it in the body of oneself or others, extracting negative
energy without absorbing it. This system can even give you ability to sense different types of energies, and help with scanning locations and people.
- Energy Testing Flush
Imagine that you do not need to ask anymore from the experts or your friends about what is good for you or not. Being able to test the response
of our body, mind, spirit to know how our environment influences us. We all need to trust ourselves more. We were all taught to trust the elders or the so called experts.
With this system you can Restore a clear dialogue with our intuition.
- Enochian Magick ENERGY
Enochian Magick is a system of ceremonial magic based upon the evocation and commanding of different spirits Angels. It is based on the 16th-century works of
John Dee and Edward Kelley, who wrote the revealed Enochian language, given to them directly by different angels. Dee and Kelley believed their visions gave
them access to tricks contained within the Book of Enoch.Herein lie the keys of death and hell-- the secrets of life, and deep space, and all that has actually
been concealed from earth beings.
With this system you will have this angelic energy in your field and this will help you a lot in your healings, spells,meditations, channeling.
- Erzulie Magical Energy
- Etheric EMDR Therapy Flush
- Etheric Filler Energy
- Family Reconciliation Healing Flush
Family Reconciliation Healing Flush will help you when you have family problems and quarrels and you need to bring again harmony with your parents, relatives and so on.
This energy will be very useful if used more times in a week because it will work even on the problem root.
- Family Tree Sins Cleansing
This system comes from high masters and will help you to cleanse all the sins of your family tree taking off of your shouldres the weight you still bring
from those sins generation after generation.
- Financial Freedom White Magic Spell Flush
Financial relief as a result of this particular spell casting, can come to you in many ways: A lottery victory,
a scratch ticket lottery win, a new job, or job promotion, a better business, unexpected inheritance, or even
unexpected money gifted. With this system you can
have the energy of this ancient spell without casting any real spell.
- Financial Security
This system comes from my guides to help you with Financial security and more cash. It helps you to have more money,more luck and more stability so you can feel happy and safe.
- Finding Light In The Dark
- Forgiving Pains Ancestors
- Future Life Programming Flush
Prerequisite: Future Life Vision
This energy helps you to change your future in this life or your next life for the best. It can give you the knowledge
of what you must release and let go to have what you want.
- Future Life Vision
Future Life Vision helps in meditation or in dreams. How could be your future life or your future in this life
and you will be guided to understand what you can change if you want a different,maybe even better future in this or in the next life.
- Galactic Dragons 999
Galactic Dragons 999 comes from the source and the higher magical beings. The Galactic Dragon will activate in us the original perfect blue print restoring all our
being and dna in all dimensions,space and times.
- Gallbladder Meridian
This meridian helps to remove waste liquid from the body. This systems comes from the source and helps you to clean this meridian so that your energetic energy
flow in your body can work better.
- Ganga Holy Flush
Ganga is the embodiment of sacred water and can wash away sins and bad karma from us. With this system
you will have a link with her great energy and magical strenght and power.
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Energy
The god of protective shield.
GEB is an egyptian god born to put a full protective shield from dangers. with this system you will have a link with his
great energy, magik energy, strenght and light.
- Gebo Flush
This energy stream brings you a great help in love, marriage, soul mate finding and even wealth and money.
Maybe many of you know gebo as a rune but this is the energy that was infused in that symbol, in what we know as the rune of love and fortune.
- Gnomes Magical Energy For Wealth
The gnomes have the power to make people rich and to give them success in everything,especially in money and job
matters. With this system you will receive their magical and luckbringer energy so you can reach your goals
faster and with more results!
- God Rod Helping Energy
Rod is the greatest god of slavic culture and tradition and he protects everything and everyone. Especially family, blood line, persons and magicianss.
With this system that comes from my guides, you can have help and protection everytime you need for every situation.
- God Sahmara Helping Flow
God Sahmara is the god of, fire, spirit, protection against negativity, black magik and dangers and even the god
who brings messages from other dimensions. He is the god of channeling and he really helps people who ask his help!
- Goddess Albina
Goddess Albina protects and helps all the unlucky lovers and all the people who feel the need to be loved. She can help answer your prayers and help you to reach your goals.
- Goddess Azume-Goddess Of Charisma
- Goddess Caer
This goddess was the wales goddess of beauty, dreams and Prophecy and she can helps you to open your third eye,to have visions of past, present and future but even to be
beautiful and to be more attractive.
Goddess Drema
Goddess Drema is the goddess of good and happy dreams. She can wash away every bad or scared dream
you may have so if you dream something bad that gives you fear you may be sure that dream will not come true. This system gives you a link with this sweet goddess.
- Goddes Fortuna
Fortuna is the goddess of fortune and luck and she can change your life for the better, she can help you to reach your goals. This
energy links you to her good energy and gives you her protection.
- Goddess Frigga
She is considered the Queen of the gods and her name means Beloved. Frigga is revered as a mother goddess. Frigga is thought to help with foresight, strategy,
and protection. Protectress is one of her names and she was in ancient times called down to guard and protect women, children,family and the home from all dangers.
- Goddess Lilithe The Queen of Love
The legend of Lilith, has its origins in the Mesopotamian religion and in the first cults of the Jews.
An interesting source speaks of Lilith as the first female figure seen by Adam and here we definitely talk about The Alphabet of Ben-Sira by an anonymous author,
written in the tenth century of BC. In the work it is said that Lilith abandoned the Garden of Eden, leaving Adam. Then she became the goddess of freedom, love and
sex bacause it is said she left Adam because she gave her no pleasure and joy. With this system and its energy you can help yourself and others to find joy,
love and real pleasure.
- Goddess Prende Energy
This Goddess of love is famous in Albanian folklore; called the Beauty Qqueen and the queen of long and happy life.
Her energy gives you luck in love, sex, beauty and longevity matters!
- Goddess Zhita
In slavic mythology she is the personification of fruitful power, youth,
the beauty of all nature and man/woman. This system gives you a permanent link with her and you can ask her help.
- Goddess Zorya
Zorya is the goddess of the dawn and usually she appears as 3 beautiful wemen. She is the goddess who fulfills your desires
and help you to reach your goals especially the new ones or something you never reached.
- Golden Indra Flush
Golden Indra Flush helps you to be protected against enemies and to be always a winner over all.
You will find always the way out when you are in a difficult situations.
- Green Magic Spell To Contact Nature Spirits
This system comes from my faery witch guide to help you to contact and receive messages from faeries, elves, pixies,
greenan and all the spirits of the nature. This
sytem is very powerful especially if used outdoor in a field or wood or in a park.
Green Magic Spell Witchy (Level One)
To work with Green Magic, call down all the magical nature'spirits (faeries, pixies,
elves, unicorns, elementals, greenman, greenwoman, goddesses and have their powers and
their help you need! With Green Magic you'll receive all you need in your etheric fields with 11 attunements that you can call all in once.
in this system there's a magick symbol.
Green Magic Spell Witchy Spells (Level Two)
Green Magic 2 brings you the energy and the power of the main 9 green magick spells.
With Green Magic you can call down directly the specific spell you need without any casting
of course before you must call down your green magick spell witchy starter kit. In this system you'll
have spells for love, cleansing from hexes, envy and negative energy, banishing badpeople, money, luck,
healing, psychic skills,protection and whishes.even in this second level you have a symbol.
- Green Witches Magick Power
The power of the green witches from beyond the veil helps you to reach your goals and to be more strong
and powerful. Your magick life will be stronger too!
- Gypsy Magik Spell For Healing Elixir
This system will give you the magik energy of that ancient and powerul gipsy spell that can help you with healings and health problems.
- Gypsy Magik Spell For Love Elixir
This system will give you the magik energy of that ancient and powerul gipsy spell that can help you with love and relationships problems and matters.
- Gypsy Magik Spell For Luck Elixir
This system will give you the magik energy of that ancient and powerul gipsy spell that can help you with unluck and misfortune problems and matters.
- Haniel Energetic Healing Tumors
- Happy Future Creating
- Hathor Flush
The goddess Hathor was the goddess of beauty, pleasure, charisma, love and dance.
This system creates a link between you and her wonderful energy so that you can download all these divine skills
and gifts and use in your life.
Healing From Source
Healing From Source is a new energy that helps you to heal and do your lightworker jobs even when you are not in the mood or weak
or sick. In this case the source will do all for you and you can be safe and have some deserved rest.
- Healing Our Inner Shadow
This system comes from the source and helps us to find out and work on our hidden shadow parts Those forgotten, unhealed, repressed and often abused,shocked parts that block
our life and joy because they are stilla live and waiting for our love and our help.
- Health Potection Booster
- Heart Meridian
This meridian makes blood circulating in all the body. This systems comes from the source and helps you to clean this meridian so that your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- Hebe New Flow
Zeus youngest daughter, Hebe, was considered the divine personification of eternal grace and beauty. Her name means youth and youth
in the Greek language means grace and feminine charm. She was believed that she could restore youth to the old ones. She was also entrusted with
the task of keeping the beings immortal by serving them the nectar of immortality.
- Hecate Protection Flush
Hecate is the most powerful goddess for magik and protection against evil entities and black magik because she is the daughter of
Perses and Asteria. She can also open the gateway to the other dimensions to let you receive messages.
- Helios Blessings
This system comes from my guides and from Source.
Helios is a god, a greek god. he is the god who brings light to human being whic is a powerful blessing.
With this system you will have a link with his great energy and light.
- Hera Goddess Of Love Beauty & Wishes
This system comes from my guides and from the source! Here is a greek goddess who can give you of love, beauty and make your wishes come true
if you ask her! With this system you will have a link with her great energy and gifts.
- Hesanthematic Disease
- High Light 999 Clearing
Feeling tired, drained, unlucky or stuck?
Luckily there are ways to get those negative energies out of your system before they do you any more damage, usually good energy can make you feel
happy and energized while bad energy leaves us feeling heavy and needlessly depressed. This system is a spiritual shower of High Light Clearing and
Transmissions to raise your level of light and vibrations washing away all the bad and low energy!
Hipithili Shaman Traumas Healing
This system comes from the source of high shamans masters and guides to help you to heal your wounded inner
child and wash away the memories of old traumas and blockages.
- Hora Boo Rite Flush
- Hora Kun Flush
- Horus For Protection
This system comes from my guides and from the source. Horus is an egyptian god who can protect you from evil eye and give you a great magik power
that helps you to reach your goals
- How To Remove Negativity & Black Magik Of Any Kind With Superior 999 Magic (with long pdf manual).
- Hrv Flush
- Hyaluron Etheric Beauty Flush
- Hypnos Titan God Flow
This system comes from my guides and from the source. This god can protect your sleep from night attacks of dark entities and from insomnia.
It is very powerful magik and useful.
- I Am A Spiritual Detective
A spiritual detective is someone who see beyond the veil of this dimension but most of all is someone who see
beyond what your mind and your customers minds tell you! We think we want something but this is not the truth,
often some of your customers or friends tell you they want to heal something but the truth is they just want
to be consolated and have attention.things like these ones happen very often and we loose a lot of
energy because we work on the wrong target! This energy will help you to find out the deep truth about hidden
purpose of your and your customers needs.
- I Am Sexy As I am
Everyone of us has sexy and attractive energy even if we do not think these energies are alive deep inside us. We only have to make them raise up and shine.
this system helps you to make quite this so you can be sexy, you can attract, you can have charisma.
- I Am The Perfect Oracle
This system comes from the source helps you to develop all the paranormal and spiritual skills your guides
want you to have to receive their messages and to help others even to heal and grow.
- I Am Protected Flush
This system works as protection from low vibrational people, environments, and objects so you can be safe and more protected.
- I Am A Psychic Medium
This system comes from my guides and helps you to become a psychic medium. A psychic medium is very different from a normal medium because he/she does not incorporate the
spirit of the dead. He sees in his own mind going in relaxing and meditation state. It is important to use
this energy often and with faith especially in himself/herself.
I Become Who I Want To Be
I Become Who I Want To Be comes from my guides and will give you the right energy to help you to become who you want to be with all the changes you may need to do this.
The energy is soft but powerful and step by step you can turn yourself into the person you dream to be.
- Iblis Protection Flush
This is a great protection against devil and its energy and dangers, black magik and bad energy. Iblis or Ibless (correct name) is
a protection and is very useful. It is infused with magical high frequency energy!
- Ikighai Activation Flush
I Am 100 Percent Healthy Energy Healing
This system comes from the source and my angelic guides to help you to be in more wellness and to take really care deeply of your wellbeing.
You can use it for yourself or you can help others.
- Ice Dragon cleansing blockages with 999 Energy
Ice Dragon is a high magic being who will help you to wash away all your blocks, negative thoughts ,limitative beliefs and bad emotions giving you
high wisdom, messages and the way to reach your goals.
- I Change My Life For The Better
Change My Life For The Better comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to change your present life for the better in everything. It is very useful and wonderful for
people who believe in radionic energy.
- I Ching energy for Inner Guidance to Any Question
Heard of the I Ching? Have important decisions to make? We all face personal choices and relationship challenges. Do not run your life with guesswork.
The I Ching has been providing guidance, continuously, for over 3,000 years and with this energy you will be helped in your problems and decisions with the
intuition of the right solution based on I Ching knowledge.
- I Help Your Pet
This system helps you supporting the dogs digestive system to keep it strong, healthy, and to clean out any health issues and parasites. The energy is gentle but powerful.
- Improve Health Magick
- Increasing Positive Karma
Initiation To The Ascension
This systems comes from high dimension masters to help our conscience to make a quantic jump. You can change for the highest good and reach high spiritual goals
and high vibrations of light. This system is for lightworkers.
Initiation To The Mystery Of Shaman Rite
A ritual of passage is a cerimony that is used very often is native shamanism when a teen is ready to
become a men of his clan, when he is ready to know the spiritual
world and its guides. With this cerimony
one opens his mind and his heart to the hidden knowledge and the magical power we all have inside.
This system will give you that energy and that wisdom.
- Inner Enemies Healing And Removing
The worst enemies we have as you know are all inside us, what we meet in life is just a Projection of our inner world
and if we are full of parts of us that work against us. What we will find outside is not something good.
With this system you can turn your enemies, inner and outer and your shadows into allies.
- Inner Smile Meditation Flush
Inner Smile Meditation Flush helps to automatically generate smile energy. It infuses energy in the body and stores the excess smile energy in lower dan tien.
As maybe you know inner, smile is a qi gong meditation and brings inner emotional healing,
generates smile energy, infuses it in the organs,betters the aura using cosmic intelligent violet light of universe.
- Inner Tree Of Life Healing
Few give importance to this wonder which is our backbone, through which the sap of life passes. The ancients gave a lot of importance to this tree and knew
that from it comes not only physical and spiritual health but also general well being, emotional life, working life, etc. Every yogi knows this and there are so many
little secrets that should be made known to everyone. While not everyone practices yoga, meditations, or other techniques, anyone can feel good and improve their health
simply through attention. It is said that where the attention is the strength. Posture during the day is very important,
keeping your back straight and head up helps to shake off many responsibilities that weigh on us. This system help us to heal our inner tree of life!
- Inner Wounds Healing
Your past is what affects your present and your present is what shapes your future.
So, if in your past there are wounds that still hurt you, that still prevent you from living and loving peacefully, that still make you behave in a certain way for fear
of feeling that pain again, in a never ending loop all this will always continue in your existence and will accompany you throughout your life.
Unless you decide to turn over a new leaf and free yourself forever from the pain that old traumas have caused you.To get rid forever of the protective shell that prevents
you from living as you would like, created by old wounds. To free yourself from emotional scars that, although you can not see them, hurt every time they are touched. Healing is possible.
It is in your mind the solution. This system will help you, step by step, to heal yourself deeply!
- Initiation Of The Old Power Of Sibyl
Sibyl is a virgin, young but sometimes also seen of as an old woman, who when inspired and almost possessed by Apollo reveals the future.
Sibyl is a prophetess and with this system that links you to her power you will be able, step by step,
to see the future and the truth about the persons or situations.
Intuitive Aura Reading
Read Other Peoples Aura To Create Better Relationships read the aura of yourself and of those around you, understand the energetic manifestation of the soul.
This system is channelled from my guides.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Flush
- Ischemia Helping Energy
- I See The Real Souls
- I Speak Walk My Truth
I Use Ouija Board Safely
Some people have bad scary experiences using the ouija board because they were attacked by low energy and entities. Also because they did not work with high beings of light.
This system will make you safe,protected and links you to high frequency and high masters.
- Janus Flush
Janus as you know was the god of time transition, chanching, doorways, passages, gates,
beginnings and ends. He saw the past and the future and he could walk through dimensions. This energy
flush helps you to see or catch past and future of people and situation.
- Jeminiatka Spell Elixir Reiki
This system helps you to reach a perfect line ,beautiful body, beauty and to loose weight if you need it. Iit is an ancient vidma spell from slavic magic.
- Jing Recall Flush
This system helps us to recall back our jing (life force,energy) that we have lost due to bad life style and disease or because of age. It begins
to store jing again in body an make it powerful and young day by day.
- Jin Shen Flow
Jin Shin energy comes from the source and brings you more peace, calm and joy deep inside. Besids it will help your spiritual growth.
- Kamadenhu Granter Of Whishes
Kamadenhu is the hindu god of abundance, wealth, richness and he grants all your good wishes. He may appear as a young men or as a caw
to help you when you are in need. With this system you will have a link with his great energy and blessings.
- Karmic Clan Cleansing
- Karmic Sins Washing
This system comes from high masters and will help you to wash away all the karmic sins of your family tree taking off of you the weight
you still bring from that karma life after life.
- Kidney Meridian
This meridian helps to store sexual energy, regulate the reproductive system and produce more blood and bone marrow. This systems comes from the source
and helps you to clean this meridian so that your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- Keelween Fire Dragon To Cleanse
Keelween Fire Dragon comes from my guides to help you work with this amazing dragon of fire who can clean you from all negative energies and open all the paths,
all the roads to new positive outcome in your life.
- Kenaz Flush
This energy stream brings you a great help in health, healing, selfhealing, wellness and body energy. Maybe many of you know kenaz as a rune but this is the energy that was
infused in that symbol,in what we know as the rune of health.
- Kospirosky Water Energy
Kospirosky was one of the most powerful wizards. He healed many people and did many miracles. With this energy you will make his powerful
healing water that you can use for healing, drinking, blessings your self or others.
- Kranikah Banish Flush
Kranikah is a very dangerous entity that comes from bad magic and that steals your health,your money, love and happiness!
This may be not something made against you but if someone, maybe coworkers, neighbours, people around you or your house does a
black magik spell even for the good, he/she may create this entity that then spins around and find a good victim! So sometimes
you may think you have a bad karma, or you are under hexes or curses but it is just a kranikah. This energy helps step by step and day by day.
- Kranikah Protection Flush
Kranikah is a very dangerous entity that comes from bad magic and that steals your health, money, love and happiness! This may be not something made against you
but if someone, maybe coworkers, neighbours,people around you or your house does a black magik spell even for the good,he/she may create this entity that then spins
around and find a good victim! So sometimes you may think you haveve bad karma or you are under hexes or curses but it is just a kranikah. This energy helps you to be
protected from this bad energy before taking.
- Large Intestine Meridian
This meridian helps you to bring out and process water from waste materials before expelling them. This systems comes from the source and helps you to clean this meridian so that
your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- Lalitha Goddess Of All Goddesses
Lalitha was very well known in the ancient veda and was considered as the goddess of all female goddesses.
She brings prosperity, wealth, longevity, love, charisma, beauty and high wisdom. With this system you will have a link with her and this wonderful energy.
- Leng Zui
LENG ZUI has a lot to offer you further than the Divine Attunement. As it is an active portal with its own living essence, you will be able to use LENG ZUI as
a gate and a way to access the Divine Plane of Existence and use its energy for personal healing purposes!
LENG ZUI is a gift from the Divine, which is not addressed to you, but to your Self! To the deepest level of your existence. To where you as a living essence,
start and exist.
- Leviathan Protection Flow
Invincible to any type of weapon, the leviathan can swallow the all the evil
energies by wrapping them between its coils! With his protection you are always safe from psychic attacks!
- Lightworkers Blessings For Cleansings
- Lightworkers Blessings For Healing
- Lightworkers Blessings For Home & Job
- Liver Meridian
The liver meridian is very important. It is responsible for filtering, cleansing, nourishing, replenishing, and storing blood. It regulates the amount of blood
circulating, withdrawing and storing it when resting and releasing it during our daily routine, this energy helps you to balance and give back harmony to this meridian!
- Lochk To Open The Door Of Magi
Thi system comes from my high guides. Lochk is a spirit who helps you to reach the magik knowledge and light
teachings of high dimensions opening your spiritual magik path.
- Logun Ede
Son of Oxossi and Oxum, he is the lord of the lakes. It is a fresh Orixa, lover of art and all that
is young and easy. He is invoked to wriggle from complicated situations at the last minute, without putting
away anything or giving too many explanations, without thoughts. This system links you to Logun Ede and his
energy and helps you to go away from bad situations in the easiest way possible without traumas or other problems.
- Lord Bairash Protection
This system gives you the protection of this lords energy in your life. You may need to be protected from enemies, poverty, problems, health,
love and many other things. Lord Bairash can do it for you.
- Love Beauty Magik Spell Power
With Love beauty Magik Spell Power you will shine. Your beauty will raise up and be seen by all. You will be more loved and more sexy, charming and you will be better your
relationships or find good partners.
- Lung Meridian Cleanse
The Lung Meridian helps your breathing & intake of energy. this system comes from Source & helps you to clean the lung meridian.
It helps your energetic flow more smoothly.
- Luz Spirit Energy
Luz is a high spirit who helps us with love, relationship and sex life. It will not help you to betray your partner, wife, hubby, but helps you
if you are honest and if you do not harm anyone just for fun.
- Lyn-Ki Healing Energy
- Lyra Reiki 999
Lyra is the realm of multidimensional masters and angels that give our dna and our energetic field the high frequency of divine love
to heal human beings and planet.With this system you will have a permanent link with this wonderful realm and its healing and growing power.
- Magic Glamour Spell Flush
This ancient spell was used to have glamour, to have charm, sex appeal, leader energy and to be more actractive both in social, job, life and love.
With this system you will have the energy of this spell without any casting.
- Magicae Luciis Fortunae
Magicae Luciis Fortunae energies helps you to be more lucky and to have more luck in life. Works in all your life according to your highest good.
- Magikal Cocktail Of Money & Cash Elixir
This system comes from my guides and helps you to get more money and cash in the time. It must be used often and you must be patient because this energy is high
frequency energy and takes time to reach the third dimension but works wonderfully.
- Magikal Cocktail Of Love Elixir
This system comes from my guides and helps you to fix relationships problems and love matters. It helps you even to find new better relationships and persons.
- Magical Cocktail Of Wealth Luxury
This system comes from my guides and will help you to reach your goals of richness, money, wealth and much more, even fame and fortune if you use it often together
with your actions and strategy for your life and your targets.
- Magickal Cocktail For Success
This system comes from my guides and helps you to reach seccess in everything you do. You will be more noticed and have more charisma and you could be like a vip.
- Magickal Cocktail Of Fame Elixir
This system comes from my guides,witches and wizards from beyond the veil and helps you to have more fame and success in every area of your life especially in job and social or love life.
- Magical Cocktail to Open Third Eye
This system comes from my guides and helps you to open your third eye and see other worlds, space. When
you meditate or in other moments even in dreams,especially here when we travel on astral plane. We can comunicate with our guides and spirits in our
mind and after beyond, even in a theta state.
- Magical Potion Of Youth
This system comes from my guides and helps you magically to be younger and stronger than you are. Your real age will not change in this life and plane but inside the things
will better and you will shine more than before.
- Magical Waxing Moon Cocktail Elixir
This system comes from my magik guides and helps you to reach the skill of prophecy, magik vision, psychic reading and manifesting your goals with a great boost of power
and with magik energy.
- Magica Rosae Occultis Elixir
Magica Rosae Occultis Elixir comes from my magik guides and helps you to be more sexy, beautiful, full of charm and charisma in all areas of your life. Your inner light will
shine more than you can think or hope because is full of magik power.
- Magic Facelift
The care and beauty of the individual can be important to many people. With this system coming from my guides you will have a special and
magical energy to counteract the signs of aging on your face, through the stimulation of the energy flowing in your face.
- Magicis Potionem Amoris
Magicis Potionem Amoris energies helps your love life, relationship and your finding new better partners or fixing an old relationship that is having bad time and unharmony.
- Magic Perfume Spell Flush
Magic Perfume Spell Flush, with its magical energy, will turn a normal perfume in a magik perfume that makes you loved, estimated and popular even on web.
- Magical Aura Cleansing
- Magical Love Potion
- Magicum Blockages Remover Essence
Magicum Blockages Remover Essence comes from my guides and helps you with its magik power to remove blockages,fears,traumas and limitative beliefs.
- Magicum Crystal Sphere Mystical Vision
Magicum Crystal Sphere Mystical Vision comes from my magic guides to help you to better your inner vision,intuition and your third eye skills so you can see beyond the
veil and comunicate better with your guides and spirits.
- Magikal Air Pentagram
It is often used in altars, rituals and as an amulet of protection. The pentagram also represents the principle
of cyclical nature and the connection between all living things. The pentagram of air calls down the spirits of the air In the various spiritual and mythological traditions,
there are different deities and spirits associated with the element Air. These deities and spirits often represent concepts such as freedom, intellect, communication, and transformation.
- Magikal Earth Pentagram
The pentagram represents the principle of cyclical nature and the connection between all living things.
The earth pentagram calls down the spirits of the earth. These entities embody the qualities of stability, abundance, nutrition, protection, and strength. the pentagram
symbolizes man as a perfected work of God.
- Magikal Elixir Of Aradia
This system comes from my guides from beyond the veil and helps you to have more magic power. This helps to manifest your targets and intuition.
- Magikal Fire Pentagram
Ihe pentagram with an upward point as a symbol of the balance between the elements and spirit. It is often used in
altars, rituals and as an amulet of protection. The pentagram also represents the principle of cyclical nature and the
connection between all living things.
- Magikal Water Pentagram
The pentagram with an upward point as a symbol of the balance between the elements and spirit. It is often used in altars, rituals and as an amulet of protection.
the pentagram also of water calls down the spirits of the water. The deities and spirits of Water
are present in many spiritual and mythological traditions around the world, representing fluidity, purity, healing, and transformation.
Magikal Wiccan Makik Power
In Magikal Wiccan Makik Power, you will be Initiated to the ancient magick of Wicca.
- Magicum Elixir Of Dangers Protection Essence
This system comes from my magik guides and gives you a very good and powerful protection againsr dangers and unsolveble problems in your life.
Magicum Elixir Of Leadership Essence
This system comes from my magik guides and gives you the power and qualities of a leader,of someone who can guide people with srenght and harmony. You will be helped to
become a leader in your own job and life.
- Magicum Elixir Of Longevity Essence
Magicum Elixir Of Longevity Essence comes from my magik guides and gives you more life force to live a longer and happy life even in after life,in a future life.
- Magicum Elixir Of Passion Essence
This system comes from my magik guides and gives you more passion, attraction power and a better sexuality.
- Magicum Elixir For Protection Against Enviromental Dangers
This system comes from my guides to protect you from enviromental dangers like hurricanes, tornados, storms etc, With this energy you can save yourself
even if outside there are bad conditions and dangers.
- Magicum Elixir Of Wellbeing Essence
This system comes from my magik guides and gives you nore wellbeing and life force to fight against problems and desease both in body and mind.
- Magicum Elixir Of Witch Essence
This system comes from my magik guides and gives you the power of a witch or wizard for your lightworks or your spells and healings. You will be guided by an invisible
magik hand in your life.
- Magicum Familiar Comunication
This system comes from my guides and helps you to find out and comunicate better with your familiar spirit and guides. Sometime you could see
him/her but more often he speaks in your mind especially if you are in meditation.
- Magicum Incantationem Curses Removal Flow
Magicum Incantationem Curses Removal Flow comes from my magic guides to remove curses, even ancestral ones or family tree curses. Iit washes them away
with its magik power and energy.
- Magicum Lux Elixir
Magicum Lux Elixir comes from my magic guidesand brings balance to your life. It is very useful to use under stress or when you are sad!
- Magicum Magus Personal Helper
This system comes from my guides,witches and wizards from beyond the veil and gives you an invisible but real magic assistant that you can call down for
your spells or your healing sessions.
- Magicum Magisterium Magiis
Magicum Magisterium Magiis comes from my magik guides and gives you the supreme knoledge of all the magik so you can use them with your inner guidance and your intuition in your
spells, healings and lightworks.
Magicum Medicatrix Healing
Magicum Medicatrix Healing brings high energy to help all the healers and all their healings!
It helps especially people who use herbs and crystals in their healings.
- Magicum Money Windfall Elixir
Magicum Money Windfall Elixir will help you to get much more money when you work or when you do your own business!
For Lightworkers and healers it opens the money channel we all have in our energetic field.
- Magicum Negativitatem Remover Elixir
Magicum Negativitatem Remover Elixir comes from my magik guides to clean yourself and others from negative, low and evil energies.
- Magicum Occultum Elixir
With this system, you will be given an etheric magik temple where you can cast your spells or do your healings, a place of big power, magik power, coming from my
magical guides for you. You can go in this temple with maditation, visualization or astral travel. This temple is invisible for physical eye but it is real and
it is around you so you can use everytime you need.
- Magicum Protectionis Elixir
Magicum Protectionis Elixir comes from my magic guides to protect you against dangers and negative energies of all kind like bad entities, evil eye, hexes, curses
and low astral energy.
- Magicum Tarot Deck
Magicum Tarot Deck comes from my magik guides and gives your tarot a strong, clean, high magik power. So your reading can be more deep and full of truth and precision.
Magicum Vis Incantations Elixir
Magicum Vis Incantations Elixir comes from my magic guides and gives you high and strong magic power! It works as a talisman of power and charisma!
- Magicum Verum Incantationis
Magicum Verum Incantationis comes from my magic guides and helps you to see the truth in everything and everyone. With this system you can scan everything and see where
are the problems or where there is something wrong. It is like a light in the dark and is very useful.
- Magicum Vis Sanguinis Booster
Magicum Vis Sanguinis Booster gives you a boost to your magic power and to your commands.
- Magik Elementals Energy
An elemental is any magickal entity that embodies the force of nature. There are four kinds of Elementals,
Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs, and Salamanders. Elementals are from the Fae Realm. With this system you will have a link with their energy for yout spells or healings.
- Magical Cocktail Of Fast Cash
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your customers to have money faster than normal time. It is not a magic wand but it is a great help.
- Magikal Cocktail Of Fears Removal
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your customers to remove fears, even if they are old fears that block your life and your joy.
- Magical Cocktail Of Hexes Removal
This system comes from my guides and helps you to remove and wash away all hexes cast on you or your friends or customers.
It is very useful even for self hexes rhat are much more than you may think.
- Magikal Cocktail Of Relationships Repair
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your customers to fix and repair relationships of all kind.
- Magical Elixir Of Come Back To Me Spell
This system comes from my guides and helps you to hear or see again old friends,
customers or lovers. Sometime we loose contacts with people and with this system we can be helped to have them back again.
- Magical Eixir For Psychic Readers
This system comes from my guides from beyond the veil to help you with your psychic skills. You will become a better psychic reader and you better
your intuitions and your visions.This system is for lightworkers.
- Magikal Elixir Of Ouija Activation
This system comes from my guides and helps you to activate your ouija board so you can talk better with high spirits without any dangers.
- Magikal Elixir Of Ouija Cleaning
This system comes from my guides and helps you to clean your ouija board so it can be free from low energy and spirities.
- Magical Elixir Of Protection From Negative People
This system comes from my guides and protect you from the negative energy of people around you.
Sometime we are clear but we have to deal with people full of negative energy and this is not good for us.
- Magikal Elixir Of Relationship Healing
This system comes from my guides and helps you to heal and repair all your relationships with lovers, partners, relatives, friends and so on.
Sometime we are clear but we have to deal with people full of negative energy and this is not good for us.
- Magical Elixir Of Rod Cleaning
This system comes from my guides, witches and wizards from beyond the veil. Step by step, cleans your rod, your family tree so that you can have open roads in your life without blockages.
- Magikal Elixir Of Space Cleaning
This system comes from my guides and helps you to clear your space,your home, car and job place. It is very useful and has a gentle but powerful energy.
- Magical Elixir Of VIP Power
This system comes from my guides and helps you to have the vip power. The vip energy so you can become a vip in your job or in your life.
- Magikal Eelixir Of Well Being
This system comes from my guides and helps you to stay in wellbeing of your body, mind, soul and life.
- Magical Powder Of Future Life Creation
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your customers to create a better future life even if your karma is not beautiful.
- Magikal Powder Of Healing Booster
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your customers to have a boost for your healings. It is very useful for lightworkers and healers.
- Magik Powder Of Leadership
This system comes from my guides and helps you to be a leader in your area, in your life, job, love matters and everythings.
- Magick Hat Protection Flush
- Magma Power Shield-Master
- Magnet Brain Crystals Cleansing
In the brain we have magnetic crystals that function like tiny antennas in the brain, responding to the slightest fluctuations in
electric and magnetic fields. Professor Kirschvink has found a large number of these antennas in the human brain - about five million
magnetite crystals per gram of brain mass. This event affects the outer tissue layers
of the cerebrum and cerebellum, except for the two meninges that protect the brain.
- Malanka Goddess Koza Energy
Malanka Goddess Koza Energy comes from my guides. Malanka is a powerful winter goddess sent to human beings in needs
from kolyada and she comes with her koza, her beloved sheep ,to help people in every needs. She brings fortune, health, money,love and all you need to live in wellness and
happyness. With this system you will have a permanent link with her and her koza. Ask and all be given!
- Marduk God Harmony & Magil
Marduk was the patron god of Babylon who presided over justice, compassion, healing, regeneration, magic, and fairness.
With this system you will receive his energetic qualities and skills and his everlasting protection.
- Marie Laveau Protection
- Mary Magdalene Forgiveness Flush
This system comes from my beloved Mary Magdalene and helps you to forgive yourself as co-creator of
your reality and others They are just a part of the planeof the lesson we have to learn!
- Master Mediumship Clairsentience Channeling
Master Your Mediumship, Your Clairsentience for Deep Connections and Healing. Unleash Your True Psychic Potential and go ahead with this wonderful and useful energy!
- Matotipila Shaman Energy
- Meeting My Soul Family
- Melchizedek 888 White Magick
- Merkaba Healing
The Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light, activated by the rotation of specific geometric shapes that simultaneously affect our spirit and body.
Merkaba. It is a vehicle that can help the mind, body and spirit access and to experience other planes of realities and life potentials. The Mer-Ka-Ba is a
tool that helps us humans reach our full potential, a crystalline energy field comprising specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body and heart.
Mholon Night Guardian Spirit
Mholon is everybodys protector for the night. Especially when you sleep because he keeps you away from dangerous portals where hungry
bad entities liv. You may meet in the astral plane, the dimension of sleep, a dimension where we all are weak and more Vulnerable to attacks.
Midas Touch
This system comes from my guides. The midas touch was an ancient spell that make you able to turn bad financial situation in gold, wealth and richness.
- Mielikki Goddess
Goddess of forest, hunt, luck and abundance. One of the most beloved deities in Finnish pantheon was Mielikki. Goddess of the forest,
bears, luck, abundance, hunting and healing. This system helps you to reach wealth,luck and healings.
- Magikal Powder Of Fame Luck
This system comes from my guides and helps you to reach fame and luck in every area of your life especially in job, career and social life.
It is very useful and powerful.
- Magikal Powder Of Mandragora Root
Since ancient times, the mandrake was believed to have miraculous powers. Magical use was widespread especially in the Middle Ages, perhaps following the
knowledge that the Crusaders AND KNIGHTS brought upon their return from the Holy Land.
It was the most expensive remedy of all. This system gives you the energy of this root for your spells and healings.
- Mindfulness Meditation Flush
Experience calmness of mind with mindfulness meditation flush and grow spiritually. Let your inner self shine in you and even out.
Tap into a calm state of being and become who you really are.
- Mind Power Magick
- Miracles Initiation
- Mirror Magick
- Misterium Potionis Negativitatem Tollo
Misterium Potionis Negativitatem Tollo comes from my magical guides and helps to wash away all the negative energies in your aura. You can be clean and your
inner light can shine brightly again.
- Money Sacred Source Reiki
This activation creates a link with your inner source of money and the multidimensional
source of this energy in order to bring it into the here! It allows you to let go of the limiting patterns
that prevent you from building and receiving wealth and prosperity.
Morgaine Goddess Avalon
This system linkes to magick power and the sweet soul of Morgaine.
She will protect your life path, your destiny and
help you to be strong and to have more magick power and skills!
- Mother Mary Eenergy Flow
She was not an ordinary person, he came from people called essenes. The essenes were known for their spiritual work they did to support the
path to enlightenment during physical incarnation. She followed the lineage of isis of the cult of the divine feminine and her soul mission
was to give birth to our lord, the last man at that time to reach the level of christ consciousness until the new age of gold. With this system you will
have her holy energy in your field always.
- Moxibustion Healing Flow
Moxibustion is an alternative eastern therapy that burns herbs and use the resulting heat on some
specific points on the body to heal many deseases.Burning these herbs you increase the chi or ki.
Chi is the vital energy that flows in our meridians healing the body and the mind. With this system you will
have your energetic moxibustion session without going out of your home!
- Mruney Helping Flush
This system comes from my guides and helps you to give peace to a restless soul. Mruney are dead people who are not able alone to pass beyond and
with this flush you can help them and yourself because they always look for someone who help them causing you troubles, fears or just noise.
- Multidimensional Intergalactic Gatepoints Activation
We all have in all our energetic bodies on all levels some points very important and useful for higher dimensions masters to infuse their blessed and healing energies in us.
There are physical vessels, astral points, etheric vessels that are real gates for them and for our guides. When these parts are cleaned and protected from lower energies
and negativity they must be activated. This energy will active those vessels and point.
- Multidimensional Intergalactic Gatepoints Cleaning
We all have in all our energetic bodies on all levels some points very important and useful for higher dimensions masters to infuse their blessed and healing energies in us.
There are physical vessels, astral points ,etheric vessels that are real gates for them and for our guides. This passages must be cleaned to receive their healings,
energy, skills or messages. This system with its energy will clean those points and vessels.
- Multidimensional Intergalactic Protection
We all have in all our energetic bodies on all levels some points very important and useful for higher dimensions masters to infuse their blessed and healing energies in us.
there are physical vessels, astral points, etheric vessels that are real gates for them and for our guides.when these parts are cleaned they must be protected from
lower energies and negativity.
- My Angels And Archangels Calling Flow
This system helps you to call any specific Angel or Archangel by naming it and asking his/her help. Also communicate with them and hear their words and
at the same time it protects you from calling and hearing a fake angel.
- My Boundaries Flush
How many times we would say no but we say yes? How many times we think we really do not deserve all the love, or
health or wealth or luck or joy we need? When this happens usually others take advantage of us and invade our
spaces. We all know it is our divine right to have our space but not always we can not set limits! This system will
help you to do this for your highest good.
- My Etheric Clone
My Chornobaiuka Curses Shield
Long time ago in a small village called Chornobaiuka a karatekeve (wizard
and warrior) cast a curse against their enemies, a powerful shield spell
to protect people from any danger, dark magik and misfortune and that place
was safe and happy. This system gives you the energy of that magik shield.
My Fantasy Helper
My Fantasy Helper comes from my guides and comes from kaos magic. In kaos magic you can have an invisible magic helper who
helps you to reach your goals. You may give him the shape you most like to comunicate and receive help because he has no physisical apparence,
he is pure light. With this system you will have your personal magic helper for your needs and even for your spell because he has a great magik power.
- My Invisible Genius
In your unconscious mind there is a fairytale genius who has the incredible ability to accomplish what is given to him as a task.
Through this system you will have the help of this genius in you, you will understand its secrets and how to obtain his collaboration.
You will learn to communicate with this genius and you will learn to use it for your purposes, your goals and your desires.
- My Lucky Driving
My Lucky Driving will help you to drive safe and protected. But with more
speedy and helps you not to be slow too much by others drivers when you
are in late for some important date.
- My Personal Angelic Magic Witchy Seal Against Enemies
This system comes from the source and from angelic guides. It gives you a powerful magick seal that helps you to win over your enemies and to keep
them away from you. This system has a symbol.
My Personal Angelic Magic Witchy Seal To Wash Away Hexes
This system comes from source and from the angelic guides. It gives you a powerful magick seal that helps you to
be more protected from hexes and curse and even from black magick. This system has a symbol.
- My Personal Angelic Magic Seal Against Negative Energies
This system comes from the source and from the angelic guides. It gives you a powerful magick seal that helps you to keep away,
from your home and space negative and low energies. This system has a symbol.
- My Personal Angelic Magic Witchy Seal For Psychic Skills
This system comes from source and from the angelic guides. It gives you a powerful magick seal that helps you to better your psychic skills,
your intuition and your connection with your spirit guides. This system has a symbol.
- My Personal Angelic Magic Seal Against Diseases
- My Positive Mind
Whether or not you're aware of it, you already create outcomes with your thoughts, you know that the more attached you are to
the ideas in your mind, the more you believe in them. The more you replay those thoughts in your mind, the more you trust them.
The more you act on those trusted thoughts, the more your life ends up looking like them. This system will help you to turn negative thoughts into positive energy.
- My Qi Container
My Qi Container absorbs qi from all natural sources around us including earth qi, nature qi, air qi, universal qi, and infuse it into body, mind, meridians and all 7 bodies.
For healing and more importantly energise these parts. It can be used before any energetic work to increase
the power of that energetic work like healing, sending attunements and magic rituals.
- My Seal Energy Flush
This system comes from the source to charge a sigil with huge amounts of energy specially divine energy to do its work so the sigil works more efficiently and for
longer periods and also works in accordance to divine will and our highest good.
- My Shamans Animals For Help
This system comes from my shamans totem guides and helps you to call any desired Spirit Animal for help. It is a unique vibration to help you for your needs. You can call down
your totem animals, your animals guides and master animals for your spiritual works.
- My Shaman Spirit Healing Session
- My Spiritual Angelic Helpers
My Spiritual Angelic Helperscomes from archangel Michael, archangel Raphael and Uriel. With this system you will have a group of angels to help you everytime
you need, you only have to ask and you will be given.
- Mystical Healing Of St. Agathius
St. Agathius of Byzantium was a Roman centurion who was martyred around the year 304. St. Agathius is considered one of the most powerful Holy Helpers, saints whose intercession
is considered particularly effective. He is the patron saint of headaches.
- Mystical Healing Of St. Gotthard
St. Gotthard of Hildesheim was a bishop that lived in the 10th century in germany. He engaged in serious studies at local abbeys and
worked for the courts. When the abbey when he studied was converted into a monastery, Gotthard remained there as a monk; he was later ordained as a priest.
St. Gotthard is invoked against fevers and childhood illnesses, as well as dropsy and gout.
- Mystical Healing Of St. Rasso
St. Rasso of Andechs lived in the 10th century in Bavaria. He was a well-respected member of local royalty and a military leader, who led his people against the invading tribes.
He is a great healer and is is invoked against stomach pains.
- Mystical Marriage Flush
- New Baby Blessings
- New Crop Circle Magic-Levels 1-3-Separate Courses
- New Enochian Magik Energy
New Enochian Magik Energy is a high frequency angelic magik system.
With this system you will get this new angelic magik energy to help yoursrlf, your life and your magik relationship with angels.
- New Etheric Vaccine
This system comes from the source and does not replace any medical therapy. It is an energetic help to boost your energetic system against new virus or new variants of a virus.
- New Homeopathy Flush
New Hhomeopathy is a fresh and new energy that can produce great effects, whether you have a problem that you would like to treat or if you would like
to help others with distance healing. Its energy will be very useful for all your healings.
- New Resources From High Dimensions
- Non Local Informations Downloading For Every Day Problems
- Non Local Informations Downloading For Healings
- Non Local Informations Downloading For love
- Non Local Informations Downloading For Spiritual Growth
- Non Local Informations Downloading For Wealth
- Nornir Blessings
In the ancient times the 3 nornir lived under the tree yggdrasil greating the destiny of all human beings.they can help you to better your life and destiny and with this
system you will have a link with them so you can ask and pray them to better your life.
- Oak Nymphs For Charm And Beauty
The oak nymphs live in the woods and embody their strength and vegetative rigor. Unlike amadriades,
they do not make body with trees, nor die with them, but can move freely, dance and join even with simple
mortals. They are beautiful and young women with magical powers to enchant people and they can help you to
be more charming,beautiful and good looking.
- OBA Loving Flow
In the Brazilian tradition Oba is the protector and comforter of disappointed lovers.
She can heal your broken heart and help you to find a new better partner. This system links you to
her loving, healing and protective energy so you can be helped in all your love matters.
- Obo Shaman Flush
This system helps you to help and fix ancestor problems leaving us free from these same problems and this inheritance.
- Old Bad Relationships Memories Washing
This system comes from the source and helps you to release the memories of old bad relationships
that may block your future or present happyness in love and relationships matters.
- Omorechka Energy For Love
The Omorechka is a magical vidma energy to fix love problems and to find new love. Being loved by ourself and others especially the opposite sex.
- Onaygween Night Fery Eternal Life Power
This system links you to this sweet but strong and powerful faery who loves to dance outdoor in the nights. This faery will help you to slow down the age process
and to be strong, fine and young for a longer time. I love to call her the antiage faery!
- Open Gates- Secret Magical Faery Portal
This systems comes from the faes and their secret portal to help you to have access to their
dimension and most of all to be accepted by all the magical creatures in that hidden realm.
- Open Roads Magik Spell Elixir
Open Roads Magik Spell Elixircomes from my magik guides and helps you to open all the blocked roads in your life! All the streams that give you love, money, wealth, luck, health and
wish granted.
Orakunele Shaman Helper
Orakunele is a shaman guide, a helper from beyond who may guide you towards the right direction
in your life and in your spiritual path. This system links you to this shaman and his energy so you will
be always protected and guided. New from others, the new white priestess power of president, the light code of ambrosia.
- Ossidius Flus
This system gives you protection against enemies and negativity . Also works on hexes, curses, dark enteties and energies
- Oxala Healing Manifesting Flush
Oxala is the greatest deity of Candomble, the Father of life and fertilization.
The most important and high of all The Orixas, the first and legitimate son of Olodumare, who is God.
Olodumare is all that exists. Oxaal is considered the Lord of Heads and hearts. In the head and in the
heart there is the essence of an individual, what he really is and will be. This system links you to Oxal aand his protective and healing energy so you can have his help in every situations and of course in your
- Oxossi Prosperity Abundance Flush
Oxossi is the Orixa of hunting, the spirit of forests (Senhor da Mata) and ferocious beasts.
Together with Ogmm and Exe forms the triad of the warrior deities Yoruba.
In everyday life it is nutrition, what we eat, our daily bread.
This orix brings wealth; money;abundance in
every area of your life and helps your spiritual growth. This system links you to Oxossi and his lucky energy!
- Oxytocin Flow
- Pendulum Activation
This system comes from my guides and activates your pendulum before a reading or after many readings so you always have it activated and ready for use.
- Pendulum Cleaning
This system comes from my guides and cleans your pendulum before a reading or after many readings so you always have it cleaned and pure.
- Pendulum Healing Flush
We always use or we are are used to know the uses of a pendulum for dowsing, searching, receiving answers but sometime we forget that pendulum can heal deseases in a wonderful way.
With this system you will have the right energy to heal yourself and your customers.
- Personal Boundaries Healing
- Personal DNAa Karma Creation
- Pet Healing From Bacteria
This system comes from my guides and helps your pets to heal from bacteria and related problems giving even relief to their deseases.
- Pets And Humans Harmony
This system comes from my guides and helps you or your friends or customers to give more deep harmony with your or others pets having a more deep understanding of
their needs and their emotions.
- Positive Outcome Energy
Sometime we face bad situations or problems and we are afraid not to solve them or not to reach our goals.
Positive Outcome Energy and its poweful but pure and sweet energy, will give you the better outcome possible for your highest good.
- Pet Protection From Dangers
This system comes from the source and my beloved Angels to help our wonderful pets and to protect them from being harmed. Or to be attacked dangerously
by other animals or dangerous situation.
- Pets Protection From Negative Energy
You know our pets are great healer for us even if and when we do not realize but they absorb all the energies around us.
This system comes from the source to protect them from negative energy and entities more.
- Physical Mediumship
- Pietersite Flush
Pietersite is a stone that can help you to heal and balance your root chakra,solar plexus and third eye,
it brings a wonderful grounding, better the centering between sky and hearth,mother and father male and
female parts of us and helps us to better or develop our psychic skills and helps us in our spiritual
life. With this system you'll have in your field the energy of this stone.
- Pineal Gland Healing
Pineal Gland Healing works to decalcify the pineal gland completely and clean and decalcify pineal gland from all negative substances (like fluoride,
any poisons, etc) that have entered the body by manipulating all water, foods etc to block third eye, then after
decalcification process, the poisons and substances that are released from pineal gland, be surrounded and covered by divine energies
not to be absorbed by body again and get moved to exit from body in a safe way.
- Podklad Removing Energy
- Polevik Flush For Wealth
Polevik is a spirit of luck, money and wealth. He can appear as an old poor smiling men in summer or in your dreams and he helps you to be more rich and wealthy.
With this system you will have a link with him and his magik energy.
- Positive Outcome Energy
- Prashuri Fast Help
This system helps you to be soon protected and helped by your ancestors and heals your family tree in a high magical way.
It is infused with magical high frequency energy.
- Precognition Flow
- Privarot Chains White Magic Spell Flush
- Pristicki Magik Spell Flush
This ancient vidma spell that comes from my guides, was used for wealth, harmony and protection and with this energy flush you will have the energetic
benefits of this spell without any casting.
A privarot is a black magik binding spell that coild be or can be casted on you in this life or in the past. Something you did not ask and maybe you did not want but it
is very powerful and can link you to someone you do not need or want in your life. With this system you can remove it and be free again!
- Prishuska Spell Flush
This system is magical, inbued with magik energy and comes from my vidmas from beyond to help you in love matters and relationships.It helps you to be loved,to
find partners, to fix relationship problems and to love more yourself.
Protection Against Postnik
Protection Against Postnik comes from my guides and it is infused with magical high frequency energy. It helps you to be protected by postik,the demons of cemetery that can cause many
dangers. With this energy you are protected.
- Protection From 4th Dimension Wandering Entities
- Protection From Nakki
Nakki was a terrible evil water demon. It lived in the deepest end
of lakes, ponds and whirlpools and sometimes it lurked children under the docks.
With this system and its energy you are protected from him and his attacks especially when you are near water or in a river, lake, pond or sea.
- Protection From Curse Of The Third Tomb
This system comes from my guides. A curse is something more dangerous than a hex or evil eye because it breaks your inner bodies creating big holes in them and this is hard to repair.
This ancient curse, used even and quite now a day, is cast to make someone suffer for loss and grief of his or her beloved ones. It is very very bad and evil but with this system you are protected from this bad curse.
Protection From The Portal Of Bisorek
Bisorek is an evil entity. When we sleep or meditate we usually travel in others dimensions where there are many portals. Some of them, like this one,may be very dangerous for us because
there live some entities who steal our life force. Sometime untill we get sick but with this system, you are protected from these bad experiences.
Protection From The Portal Of Ciork
The Ciork is an evil entity. When we sleep or meditate we usually travel in others dimensions where there are many portals, some of them,like this one,may be very dangerous for us because
there live some entities who steal our life force untill we get sick. With this system, that comes from my guides, you are protected from these bad experiences.
Protection From The Portal Of Death
When we sleep or meditate we usually travel in others dimensions where there are many portals, some of them, like this one,may be very dangerous for us because there live some entities who steal our life
force. Sometime till we get sick but with this system you are protected from these bad experiences.
- Protection From The Portal Of Illusion
When we sleep or meditate we usually travel in others dimensions where there are many portals, some of them,like this one,cmay be very dangerous for us because there live
some entities who steal our life force. Sometime till we get sick but with this system you are protected from these bad experiences.
- Protection From The Portal Of Nightmare
When we sleep or meditate we usually travel in others dimensions where there are many portals. Some of them, like this one, may be very dangerous for us because there live some entities who steal our life force. Sometime till we get
sick but you are protected from these bad experiences with this system.
- Protection Pandemic Related Economic Crisis
Many people in a pandemic time may loose job,customers, money or career. This system comes from the
source to protect us ,our business, money and job in the best way possible. Maybe we don not know and we will not know
which is this best way for god but to be under divine protection is always a wonderful thing.
- Protection Pandemic Social Consequences
When there is a pandemic there are even social consequences of this problem: loss of job,money
problems, fears, anger, loss of faith, limitation of social life and many other problems. All the the measures
taken by governments are right because first of all we must save the life and the health but all
these consequences are undeniable.this system comes from the source to help and protect us,our energy field,
In these hard times,this is an energetic protection.
- Psychic Astral Projection Energy
Unlock the ancient and powerful art of Astral Projection. Travel in others planes and dimensions explore the many planes of consciousness
from alpha to theta. Go to the different realms of consciousness. With this energy you wil be helped to do it.
- Psychic Attacks Protection Energy
This energy comes from the matrix and helps you to be protected and to wash away psychic attacks and energetic vampires around you.
- Psychic Magik Defense And Protection Flush
Psychic Magik Defense And Protection Flush comes from my guides and multidimensional masters to protect you and your energetic fields from psychic attacks,
negative energy and low vibrations.
- Psychic Development And Clairvoyance
With Psychic Development And Clairvoyance, you can work better with spirits, such as Invocation Evocation, comunication, discover the amazing power
of mastering our Dreamscape, and the possibilities this can unlock. You will also receive a lot of practical skills for everyday life, like
using our psychic skills to communicate with animals, reading other people or for finding lost objects.
- Psychic Spiritual Pendulum Channeling Flush
The world of pendulum is a world that can truly unleash the power of your higher self and spiritual consciousness. These fantastic experiences have been used for hundreds of years,
and dowsing with channeling is still very much used today. This system will truly unlock the full potential of using your pendulum in a spiritual way.
This energy will help you to do this.
- Psychometry Flush
With this system, step by step, you will be able to hold objects in your hand and connect with the soul of things telling their and having
one of the most exciting psychic abilities.
Psychometry is an ancient skill used by our ancestors, witches, wizard and psychic readers.
- Psychological Help Flush
Sometime we are down, sad, angry or we are victim of our own blockages and fears or beliefs. We need the help but we have no time.
This flush give us this help to heal ourself. Of course this does not replace medical or psychological therapy.
- Put Magik Padlock Flush
This is a magik system that helps you to give much more energy to your magik or lightworks and to keep results for longer periods of time.
- Quantum Decisions To Change Life
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Body
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Body comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal on an energetic plane all your body without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Familiar Karma
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Familiar Karma comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal all your familiar karma to create a better life and better relationships without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Past Karma
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Past Karma comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal all your past karma to create a better life even now without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Present Karma
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For O Present Karma comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal all your present karma to create a better life without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Relationships
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Relationships comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal all your love,friendly job and social relationships without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Your Energetic Bodies
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Your Energetic Bodies comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to clean all your energetic bodies, without any radionic tool. You
just have to use this energy!
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Space
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Space comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to clean all your space, your home, your hobby space or your healing room or your job place without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this enegy!
- Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Wealth And Money
Radionic Cleaning Frequency For Wealth And Money comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal your money, financial life without any radionic tool.
You just have to use this energy!
- Radionic Healing Frequency Againsr Desire For Addiction
Radionic Healing Frequency Againsr Desire For Addiction comes from my guides and gives you the frequency against desire for addictions. Included everything, drugs, drink, smoke,
gembling ect. and is very useful and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency For Good Luck
Radionic Healing Frequency For Good Luck comes from my guides and gives you the frequency of good luck in everything It is very useful and wonderful for
people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency For Life Balance
Radionic Healing Frequency For Life Balance comes from my guides and gives you the frequency of life balance in everything. This system helps you to enjoy life to the fullest.
It is very useful and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency For Pet Healing
this system comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to heal your pets and animal in all situations, in everything. It is very useful and wonderful for
people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency For Pet Protection From Animals
tRadionic Healing Frequency For Pet Protection From Animals comes from my guides and gives you the frequency of protection for your pets and animals in everything. It is very useful, especially from negative
enegy and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency To Balance Energies With Mother Nature
Radionic Healing Frequency To Balance Energies With Mother Nature comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to balance energy with mother earth in everything.
It is very useful and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency To Feel Grounded
Radionic Healing Frequency To Feel Grounded comes from my guides and gives you the frequency of grounding in everything, even when you wake up early in the morning and you are
not quite awake. It is very useful and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency To Feel Love Joy And Bliss
Radionic Healing Frequency To Feel Love Joy And Bliss comes from my guides and gives you the frequency of love,peace and blissful in everything. It is very useful and wonderful
for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Radionic Healing Frequency To Have Or Attract A Loving Partner
Radionic Healing Frequency To Have Or Attract A Loving Partner comes from my guides and gives you the frequency to attract a partner or have a more loving partner in your life,
in everything. It is very useful and wonderful for people who believe in radionic energy.
- Raphael Healing Disease
- Raziel Nous Energy
This system comes from our beloved archangel Raziel to help you to see beyond, to see the real divine project in
every situation and every person and in your life. We are used to think about what and why but often when something,
bad happens there is a bigger and higher reason.
With this system we can catch sooner and more easily this hidden divine plane.
- Reaching Assertiveness
- Real Jesus Protection Aagainst Fake Angels
You know many people think to talk with angels but they are talking with lower entities that
think to be angels! The problem is that often they do not realize it. This system is a great protection
and a great help for both! These entities are not dangerous but they can give you wrong messages.
- Reconnection With Our Mastery Mission Flush
We are born to live and be happy and not to live life in sufferering! Often we feel we are the victims of something that happens and not the lords of our destiny and when we feel
sheeps we do not act as lions!
Reconnection With Our Mastery Mission Flush helps you to call back your spiritual power to change your life as your soul wants!
- Red Shaman Stone Energy
- Regrets Healing Flow
- Release Toxic Energy Flush
This system is for connecting to mother earth and to be grounded, to release any excess energy into mother earth and absorb mother earths energy. This will help you to be
less weak in grounding and after meditations and energy activations have extra energies in your energetic field.
- Rodh Protection And Blessings
The rodh in magik is more your family tree is the union of the all family trees of all the people, relatives,parents,
friend you deal or dealed with in all dimensions since the origin. To bless and protect your rodh is really important because without these your life can
have many problems, even serious or dangerous!!
Roseann Angelic Reiki
This activation helps to work on relationships of the heart to improve them, on family relationships to heal conflicts,
on interpersonal relationships to harmonize them and on the relationship with yourself.
It will help you grow by following the path of light, of Self and not of ego.
- Rose Gold Flush
This system has been given us by high masters to heal the divine male and female parts of us bringing perfect harmony, peace and joy to our life fixing even relationship problems.
- Rose Magic Flush
This system has been given us by high masters to reconnect ourselves to the master plan of god for us. With this energy you will follow your mission, your perfect spiritual path.
- Runes Psychic Divination Spell Flush
This system comes from my guides to help you in your runes readings and in your magik work. Runes are really powerful and have inside more magik and more
knowledge than you may think. This energy will help you to even understand much more their power.
- Sacred Healings Blessed Flow
Sacred Healings Blessed Flow comes from 12th dimension masters and send you many healing energies
of high vibrations to heal and bless you or your loved ones,your customers or friends.
These energies come from different masters but in one full ray of
pure, powerful, blessed ,sacred light.
- Sacred Shields Protection
This energy comes from the seven archangels to give you a great protection against black arts, low energy, negativity and dangers.
- Sacred Theurgy Energy
Sacred Theurgy Energy is based upon the wisdom and the knowledge, which was given us through divine communication with the Creator and the Archangels.
It is a gift given directly from the Divine, for everyone who seeks to understand the great above and beyond, and is designed to bring connection
between the individual identity of on and the Immortal Self.
- Sadness Blockages Removal
This energy comes from the source and helps you to wash away sadness blockages,
the icy tears we have deep inside. It washes away the pain we forgot because was to hard to
bear and accept it!
- Sage & Lavender Smudge Energy
This system comes from my guides and helps you to clean yourself, friends, customers and your space free from low and bad energies.
- Salomonic Bethor Spell Flush
- Salomonic Phaleg Spell Flush
- Samek Yud Theth Flush
- Shaman Bhoo For Astral Travel
- Shaman Hood Energy
- Shaman Hunka Activation
- Satsang Sacred Flush
- Shaila Fairy Muse Spell Flow
This ancient powerful spell will call down Shaila the most powerful Fairy, Muse spirit to
assist YOU! The Fairy Muse can help you with: wishes granted, luck, power in many forms, guidance,
Blessings for those around you, a strengthening of abilitites, new Magickal ability and journeying to
other realms and dimensions.
- Shaman Cougar Flush
- Shaman Dream Flush
- Shaman Eagle Flush
- Shaman Fire Cerimony Flow
Shaman fire cerimony is used to purify and cleanse us from negativity, limited beliefs
and blockages. Helps in manifesting our dreams. With this system you wll be lead in the
invisible shaman dimension to partecipate to this sacred rite so that your energetic body
can have the benefits of this experience.
- Shaman Four Direction Cerimony Flush
this sacred cerimony is used to let go what is no more useful for us and our life and spiritual growth.
with this system you'll be lead in the invisible shaman dimension to partecipate to this sacred rite so
that your energetic body can have the benefits of this experience.
- Shaman Lost Cave Forgotten Skills Recall
The Shaman cave or lost cave is an etheric, multidimensional place where all your unused
skills and unfullfilled wishes are parked! They are waiting for your recall, they're waiting for their
master to come home and fully manifest their power!and that home is you!
- Shaman Magick Breath
- Shaman Snake Flush
- Shaman Magical Drums Flush & Cleansing Tool
- Shaman Sun Dance
- Shaman Upper World Masters Healing Flush
This is a true etheric healing session that the shaman masters of the upper world
will do on you! For healing in your life.
- Shammasaty Sacred Shaman Energy
- Shing Hen Spell Flush
Shijort Banishing Flush
This system comes from the source to help you to wash away all the worst black magic directed to you or casted on you. Here we are talking about the worst black magik,
that kind that can even destroy you and your life.
- Shin Lha Flush
- Six Healing Sounds Flush
Six Healing Sounds Flush is for automatically doing six healing sounds practice.
It fills you with the six healing sounds in order of seasons and organs bringing to you more harmony and wellness.
- Small Intestine Meridian
This meridian distribuites nutriens in the body this systems comes from the source and helps you to clean this meridian so that your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- Social Anxiety Flush
In this still hard times there is a lot of social anxiety for many reasons and this energy helps you to be protected from the consequences
of this problem and helps even you or your family, friends, relatives and customers to feel more calm and peacefull without stress.
- Sobek Power Of Medicine
Sobek is the god of healing and medicine, you can be helped in your healings and session by his power. With this system you will have a
link with his great healing energy and wellness blessings.
- Solomka Energy For Cleansing And Protection
Solomka Energy is an ancient powerful magik energy that brings cleansing and protection
on all levels and in all dimension.
- Son Of Akhehk
Akhehk is the high frequency dragon of long life,protection against enemies and wealthy.this system comes from my guides and helped me a lot even because
Son Of Akhehk energies creates a link between us and this wonderful high dragon.
- Soul Wounds Healing
Soul wounds are cracks in our armor or character structure, mouths that want to tell us something that we are often not willing to listen.
It is precisely those painful emotions that can heal our lives because they are the calling of our soul. With this system you will encounter the wounds
and masks of your personality and understand that you have a mission in this earthly experience and that we are much more than we think we are and
you will be able to heal them easier and faster.
- Soul Healing Miracles
The soul healing miracles energy will help you to create your own miracles! Everyone can create their own soul healing miracles. Millions of people are
searching for spiritual secrets, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and something to transform their physical lives and spiritual lives.
- Spiritual Growth With The Archangels
This system will give you a successful spiritual development and clear your path of all of the barriers which block spiritual growth with the help of our beloved seven archangels.
- Spleen Meridian
This meridian helps immunity system, regulates blood flow and keeps safe muscles and toned. This systems comes from the source and helps you to
clean this meridian so that your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- Stroke Helping Energy
- Stomach Meridian
Cleansing from sick and bad energy. This meridian helps you digest and extract energy from food and give it to the body.
This systems comes from the source and helps you to clean this meridian so that your energetic energy flow in your body can work better.
- SuJok Flush
SuJok is a very practical form of reflexology, very fast to use and extremely effective. Through Su Jok, without having to buy anything, you will have a powerful therapeutic
means, able to act both as a first aid to the sudden disorder, disease or pain, and to treat chronic and annoying diseases.
With this system, coming from the source, you can use this energy without treating, massaging or pressuring any body part of your self or others.
- Sutagaos Initiation
The sutagaos or sons of the sun, are shamans linked with high and good extraterrestrial masters. They can heal, bring peace, receive messages from higher dimensions and travel
in those high dimension. This initiation gives you a link with them and their power, protection and help.
- Svmar Go Away Flush
This system keeps death afar and gives you more energetic life to live and keep away ghosts and low entities. Even this system is infused with magical high frequency energy.
- Sweep Away Inner Slayer
- Sweep Away Inner Victim
- Talking With Spirits
- Talismans & Amulets Charging
- Talismans & Amulets Cleansings
- Tarots Activation
This system comes from my guides and activates your tarot deck before a reading or after many readings so you always have your tarots activated and ready for use.
- Tarots Deck Cleaning
This system comes from my guides and cleans your tarot deck before a reading or after many readings so you always have your tarots cleaned and pure.
- Tellervo Energy
Tellervo was the protector of wildlife and the forest. Tellervo was the goddess of the wild forest animals. She often took form of a young
girl. In the spring time farmers prayed Tellervo to protect the cattle from the forest animals.This system protects your pets from dangers and attacks.
The 160 Names Of Allah
GOD has revealed through the Quran His Names so that believers can better understand the Creators Omnipotence; these are names that according
to Muslim tradition tell us in earthly words the immeasurability of the One GOD of the Abrahamic Religions. Meditating on these Names succeeds in
giving great insights for believers, not only for Muslims, but also for Christians, Jews and anyone who is intent on seeking information about the Truth.
- The 72 Sacred Energies
Using the powers of the 72 Hebrew letter combinations, you can solve ongoing problems in your life, heal yourself,
remove blockages, and achieve success and personal fulfillment. The 72 names of God or 72 angels, are 72 letter combinations
of 3 letters each, which are encrypted in the Bible. Your requests can be accepted and granted as you
have all the 72 energies in one.
The Blessing Of Benevento
In Benevento, an italian city, there were and still nowaday there are many witches. This place is magic and very powerful. With rhis system you will have the blessings and the magic power of all these
witches. Your power will grow and you can have more magic in your hands for healings and spells. This system comes from my magic guides.
- The Blessings Of Triora Witches
Triora is a famous little country town in italy full of witches, past and even present m odern, witches who go there every year to cast their spells and celebrate their festivals.
With this system you will have their magik energy to cast your spell or do your healings.
The Blue Rose Mary Magdalene & Her Light Team
Our beloved Mary Magdalene works with a light team of high frequency masters who send healings and messages to human beings. This system links you
to her blue rose team to receive help, healings and messages to fallow your own right path to manifest your goals.
- The Counsel Of Twelve Protection And Blessings
There is a council in higher dimensions of 6 goddesses and 6 gods, who can protect and bless and help everyone in this dimension.
It is very impotrant to have their protection to be always safe, healthy, wealthy, loved and happy with the higher wisdom. With this system you will have a
link with them and their powerful blessings, protection and help.
- The Four Magik Energies
Since the time of the Phoenicians, who taught the Egyptians, and finally on to the Tibetans, this energy has been a closely guarded secret.
It is now available to anyone who cares about it.
- The Power Of Magical Immortality Of Circe
According to tradition, Circe is the daughter of Elio, god of the sun, and the nymph Perseis; She is the sister of Eete, father of Medea, and Pasiphae who married Minos king of Crete and who begot the Minotaur. Circe got immortality and magical powers from her father, and the melodious
enchanting human voice from her mother.This system links you to her magical energy and skills.
The Reconnection With Missing DNA Stands
This system comes from our brothers and sisters (Pleiadians) and helps us to call back and have again a complete and working original DNA.
We are light beings free from implants, limitative beliefs, fears and blockages.
- The Triple Flames Faeries
This system comes from the faeries and their secret garden beyond. It helps you to be
connected and to receive their triple flame of magic. This flame
is an unburning but sparkling magical flame that gives you wisdom, magic knowledge and joy.
- The Shaman Magick Breath
- The Unicorns King
The unicorn king is the is the oldest unicorn in its magical part of its realm.
He can allow and help the other unicorns to heal or help who enters that realm.
This wise unicorn can even give you its magic golden powder to heal and make miracles happen but
this magic powder will be given just to the ones who deserve it.
- The Witch Alcinaa
Alcinaa was a beautiful and powerful italian witch and now she is a guide and a protector beyond the veil.
She can protect you from dangers, low entities, bad partners or enemies and give you
more beauty, charisma and grace.
- The White Golden Ray Angelic Healing
With this system that comes from lyra you can heal and clean people , mother hearth and all the spaces around you,beside,this ray,
after healing, comes back to Lyra and this realm can send it back to the grid to make humans and planet grow spiritually.
- Thrombosis Helping Flush
This is an emegency system to help you and your doctors to Prevent or remove thrombus
and all blood clot completely. It helps dissolve,
melt and remove directly from all organs of body,vessles and brain vessles and in a safe way.
Tibetan Ancient & Holy Healing Flush
This awesome energy balance all body, mind and spirit and open the sacred gates to high spiritual growth. It comes from the source and tibetan healers from beyond and can
help many problems especially:
stomach problems, abdomen, bones, emotional and stress problems. This system is not a replecement for medical therapy or medicines given by your physician.
- Tibetan Bell Cleaning Energy
This system comes from my guide, a Lama from beyond. It is very useful for its frequency to clean people spaces and
places. You can use for yourself or others. With this system you will have the frequency and vibration of tibetan bowl without a real,material tibetan bell.
- Tomo Ebo Vorex Energy
Tomo Ebo is the path of the tight actions in the right moments and this is what this system can do for you. It is very important for our life. If we want to
be happy and to be in the right place in the right moment and time, this system helps you to better your karma.
- Turisaz Flush
This energy stream brings you protection against black magik, evil eye, hexes and curses and helps you to develop mystical and paranormal,
spiritual skills. Maybe many of you know turisaz as a rune but this is the energy that was infused in that symbol,in what we know as the rune of protection and magik.
- Ukhus Un Rakhan Shaman Flush
This energy helps you to be in harmony and good relationship with yourself and all the people. It creates positive
relationhips with partners, friends, family and even with your spirit guides and mother hearth.
- Ulhen Bha The Shaman
- Unexpected Money Luck Magik Flush
This system comes from my guides. This system brings you money and luck in an unexpected way. It aligns cosmic energies of money and luck to your spirit.
- Unicorns Golden Magical Energy For Love
The golden powder of a unicorn can open your heart, remove blockages, and change your state of mind and
make you really ready to give and receive love the best love you deserve. This system brings you in their
realm and helps you in your love life and love relationships.
- Unlimited Beauty Reiki
This system helps you to express your beauty, charm and charisma. All things that you already have deep inmside but often are blocked and buried in your dna ,in your inner self.
This energy will help them to raise up and be alive again to make you shine.
- Utuneito Flush
Utuneito means the mist maiden. Mist maidens were fairy like beings who were completely made from morning mist and water steam.
Vedenneito was a humanized water spirit who lived in lakes and ponds and they were the personifications of the water.
With this system you will have the power of water, the power of the deep female part of you: welcome, intuition and wisdom!
- Uz Kartletz Shaman Flush
This is a deep shaman blessing that help you to heal and be happy and reach your goals.
This flush is like a grace that enter in your life bettering all and it is what really high and wise shamans want for us all.
- Varahi For Protection From Matrikas
The Matrikas are a group of 8 dangerous demons who can attack us and varahi is the goddess born to protect us from them! That is
why it is very important to have her protection. With this system you will have a link with her and her protection.
- Vedenema the Mermaid
Vedenema was described to be an erotic character who had big breasts, long green hair and green skin. In Finnish
folklore mermaids did not have tails. They wore dresses made of sea foam. With their beautiful songs and their good looks they could
cause dangers but if the sailor was particularly good looking they might spare their life. According to the sailors mermaids like to
sit on rocks combing their long green hair. This system brings you an erotic power to attract opposite sex people without dangers.
- Vedovsko Magik Energy
This high magical frequency energy brings you magik powers and magik knolegde. It is very useful in your everyday lightworher jobs or in your spells if you want to cast some
spell or use some other magik attunement. It is infused with magical high frequency energy
Veles God Night Help
Veles God Night Help comes from my guides. God Veles will help you to have a good, peaceful, safe sleep without nighty attacks from low entities and bad energy.
- Venus Of Willendorf
Venus Of Willendorf magick energy is for people who do not like their body or physical appareance,
for overweight ot underweight. It is for mature people who want to find out again their old beauty and energy!
- Vetehinen Flush
Vetehinen belongs to the story telling tradition of eastern Finland. It was a male waterspirit, whose skin was either green, gray or blue and it looked like
an old man. They live in the bottoms of lakes and ponds. They can protect you when you travel on a ship or boat or when you swim. With this system you will have this
protection so you can feel safe.
- Vid ma Magical Power Flush
Vid ma Magical Power Flush comes from my guides to give you more powerful energies for your healings and magical works. With this system you will not become a vidma
(the vidme are the most powerful magical human beings).
You can call them witches but they are much more and they work for the highest good but you will have more magical energy.
- Vidya Inuition Booster
TThis system comes from my guides and helps you to have more nutrition. It also helps with intuition and works to open the 3rd eye
in a better way, boosting psychic abilities!
- Virih Blessings
With this system these high beings of light gives you all the blessings you need to live better and to be more close to higher dimensions and knowledge.
- Vitvekrayu Spell Flush
This ancient spell was used in slavic magik to open all the good roads for a wealthy, healthy, lucky and full of love life.
This system gives you that magik energy closing the negative channels of misery and misfortune.
- Vodasho Magik Flush
Vodasho Magik Flush comes from my masters and helps you to cast spells, do healings and magical works.
- Vodianoy The Goddes Of Lakes
This goddess brings you love, wealth, courage and artistic and paranormal skills. With this system you will
have always her protection and her gifts.
- Voice Special Energy 999
Voice Special Energy 999 helps to infuse any desired energy that we have access to or attuned to into our voice, so we can use that energy through our voices. It can be used for
healing, home cleansing, for protection, for attraction and charisma.
Vunjio Flush
This energy stream brings you happiness, wealth, luck, love, beauty, good health ,wellness and help you to reach your goals. Maybe many of you know wunjio as
a rune but this is the energy that was infused in that symbol, in what we know as the happy rune.
- Wake Shaman Power Flow
This system gives you the powers of all the female shamans beyond the veil and helps you to heal the female parts
in you. It even helps solving the problems with the help of these ancient high shaman spirits.
- Was Away Energy Vampire
Some people can be like energy vampires. They absorb or take in environmental energies, other people's energies, even object energies. This system helps you to keep them afar.
Washing Away The Curse Of Death
This system comes from my guides and helps you to wash away, step by step, this very dangerous and evil curse. A curse is much worse than an hex because it breaks our energetic bodies creating big holes inside
our bodies. This system will help you very much if you use it often.
Washing Away The Curse Of Lonliness
This system comes from my guides and helps you to wash away, step by step,this very dangerous and evil curse. A curse is much worse than an hex because it breaks our energetic
bodies creating big holes inside our bodies.this system will help you very much if you use it often.
Washing Away The Curse Of Night Widow
This system comes from my guides and helps you to wash away, step by step,this very dangerous and evil curse that makes you feel alone and unloved. A curse is much worse than an hex because it breaks
our energetic bodies creating big holes inside our bodies. This system will help you very much if you use it often.
Washing Away The Mark Of Death
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live ,you can receive their mark.
This can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life.this one especially is one of the worse and dangerous, evil mark so it is better to wash it away .
- Washing Away The Mark Of Devil
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live. You can receive their mark, their sign and this can give you a
lot of problems for you and your life. It is one of the worse and dangerous mark so it is better to wash it away.
Washing Away The Mark Of Fieslik
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. Fieslik is an evil entity, spirit. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live, you can
receive their mark, their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life,your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
Washing Away The Mark Of Hell
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live ,you can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse and very dangerous mark, maybe the worst,so it is better to wash it away.
Washing Away The Mark Of Lonliness
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and importantw W#en you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live, you can receive their mark, their sign
and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
- Washing Away The Mark Of Neglect
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live ,you can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
- Washing Away The Mark Of Night Widow
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important.when you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live. You can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
- Washing Away The Mark Of Poverty
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live ,you can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
- Washing Away The Mark Of Prison
This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live ,you can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life.this one especially is one of the worse mark because can give you problems in your relationships so it is better to wash it away.
Washing Away The Mark Of Torok
Torok is a bad, evil low entity. This system comes from my guides and it is very powerful and important. When you sleep and you travel in many portals where bad evil entities live, you
can receive their mark,
their sign and this can give you a lot of problems for you and your life, your everyday life. This one especially is one of the worse mark so it is better to wash it away.
- Washing Away Graphen & Dangerous Particles
Washing Away Graphen & Dangerous Particles comes from the source to surround and cover all of Graphen with light and divine energies
to make sure they will
have no harm to the body. Ddivine energies combined with body tissues,
blood, endocrine system to excrete and move them completely out of body by covering them with light and energies to avoid any unhealing symptoms and side effects.
- Wash Away Unhealthy Doubts Flush
This energy helps you, step by step, to wash away and delete all those unuseful and unhealthy doubts that sometime full our mind making us waste a lot of
time when we must take a decision.
- White Candle Magic 999 Spell Flush
White Candle Magic 999 Spell Flush comes from the source and higher dimensions masters and will help you to clean your home,your office,
job place or objects you may have from negative energy.
- White Magic Karma And Spirit Cleansing Spell Flush
Negativity can manifest it is self in our spirit, our mind, and our body with rapidity.
All the witches know that over time, if not treated or washed away with a spell, this negativity causes
bad karma,stress, anxiety, depression, financial worry, negative relationships and many other problems,
unless you do something about it. With this system you can have the energy of this ancient spell without casting
any real spell.
- Wiccan Spell Energy To Bless Yourself
Wiccan Spell Energy To Bless Yourself comes from my guides and wizards to bless you with a powerful energy that will link you with the magic power of all the magical creatures.
This will help you very much in your casting or your lightworker healings.
- Witch Adina For Wishes Granting
This system comes from my guides, and Adina is one of them. This system creates a link between you and her and helps you when you ask her
help! You must use it often with faith and positive attitude without forgetting to work on your goals.
- Woudou Candombla White Loa Flush
- Yantra Yoga Vidya Flush
YANTRA literally means support and Too. A YANTRA is a geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and meditation.
The YANTRA is like a microcosmic image of the MACROCOSM. It is a matrix point and an outer and inner doorway. The YANTRAS are often focused on a specific
deity and so. by tuning into the YANTRAS you can tap into deities or creative force centers in the universe. This flush will activate all your chakras
and give a boost to your spiritual growth.
- Yhbbur Holy Energy Flow
In ancient Jewish culture many wise men said that some people were endowed with a sacred skill:
the yhbbur! This skill make you see and comunicate with high Spirit Guides Through the physical body
of an unsuspecting and unaware person to speak by someone else's mouth.Sometime the high dimensions
masters talk to us this way but we do not realize that this happens because we do not see the master. People
who have the yhbbur soon recognize who is really speaking and follow the
messages without doubts.
- Ying Yang Light Energy Flow
- You Are My Mirror Flush
You Are My Mirror Flush comes from the source and will help you to recognize that all the people and
the experiences we meet and live are just hidden or unexpressed part of us. When we live deeply
this truth we let go and heal our blockages, fears, anger, limitative beliefs and we find peace, healing
and happiness.
- Zana White Magic Fairy Spell For Love
This ancient fairy spell was used to increase attraction and affection, strengthen the attraction or
to attract true love in your life!
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