Temple Of Empowerment

Magical Star Power

Created By Lavinia:

- Be the Brightest Star, Allow the Magic of the Universe to surround you, expand your consciousness....

Magical Star Power helps you always be your best, a conspicuous, bright, fascinating and magnetic person.

You will be the brightest star, no matter where you go or are!

The magic of the universe will surround you, its mysteries will expand your consciousness and you will become an extraterrestrial beauty. It will be easy for you to impress the people around you.

In addition, it generates the ability to stand above things and to change the perspective and awareness through concentration. This refers to the attitude of life, as well as for mental and magical purposes.

You will get a deep connection to the Universe. Visions are able to occur and hidden knowledge revealed.

Magical Star Power-Master -$25.00

Hi, Thanks again. I've accepted the attunement. It was something amazing. You are an amazing master. I had a very unique experience. I really hope that I will have the opportunity to work with you again soon. With love and respect, Ekat

You will receive the Magical Star Power Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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